Guest Post – A space of their own

While we are sociable beings, personal space and privacy is hugely important. We all like having a space of our very own, and this rings as true for kids as it does for adults. Do you recall how it was when you were young? Your bedroom became a place of sanctuary, a place where you could go to get away from the adult world and just…be.

Your kids are no different from how you were. They want a space they can call their own and they want it to be very special. There’s no space more important to them than their bedroom.


Get them involved

 When your kids are very young, you’ll probably do the majority of the decorating for them. But there comes a point, and it comes very quickly, when they will want a say in what their room will look like. From accessories like mirrors and lamp shades to bigger pieces of furniture such as beds and small corner sofas, kids are often keen to play a role in the creation of their ‘grown up’ bedroom.

If they’re eager to design their rooms but are struggling for inspiration, the internet is a great way to stimulate creativity. Sites like can help your child pick out the perfect small sofa, while Pinterest may be an idea for teens.



 While your kids’ demands may be infinite, your resources are finite. You can’t give in to everything, but you can initiate a sensible adult discussion, which may also be of enormous educational value to your kids.

There are opportunities here for your kids to get some experience in making compromises. They might want their favourite superhero painted onto all four walls, but if you’re worried this phase will pass quickly why not suggest a neutral colour scheme and posters and accessories reflecting their personal tastes instead?


Study space

As your kids get older you are going to want them to study. You want them to be a success at school and college. There is quite a bit of agreement amongst educationalists that children are more likely to study successfully where they have a space that is designated specifically for study. That could be something as simple as a desk, chair and a small bookcase. The most important thing is that there is a space and that space is solely for studying.

Getting the kids involved in their bedroom design is a great way to give them responsibility, nurture their creativity and give them a space of their own that they love.


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