Guest Post: Front Doors- The Ultimate Addition To Your Home Renovations!

Front Doors- The Ultimate Addition To Your Home Renovations!

Wake up, Australia. You’re BORING.

Well, ok, you can be quite lovely. Lively, even. But, by God, your houses are dull. Uniform. Colourless, bland contempo-boxes. And when they’re not, they’re ‘mock’ something or other. Tudor, Georgian, Queen Anne. Don’t get me wrong, it can all look very agreeable and tasteful. But, oh, for some colour and movement, some character! South Americans know how to do it. Brightly painted weatherboards dot the streetscapes of Southern Patagonia, providing a visual feast that instantly buoys the spirits. And that’s what homes should do. Enliven the spirits. The team at Doors-a-Plenty understand this.

Doors are one of the simplest and most effective ways you can add character and colour to your home. In the swampy mess of micro details that must be taken care of during a standard home renovation, the door can be an afterthought. Big mistake. Picture a freshly painted white California bungalow, replete with matching white door. Now picture that same house, but with a richly pigmented red door. The house is instantly transformed from the sweet to the sublime. It’s details like these that draw people to a home- ‘I’ve always wanted to live in that cute white house with the bright red door’. It’s handy feature to have up your sleeve when the time comes to sell. character and colour elicit emotion- and you want emotions to be running high amongst potential buyers.

Door frames can be tricky. You might find the door of your dreams, only to realise that with the Lilliputian dimensions of your doorway, it’s out of the question. Look for a door company with a comprehensive selection of doors and experienced sales professionals who can help you to bring your vision to fruition.

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