Giveaway and Review – Nerd Block Jr for Kids!

We were sent a  Jr. Girl and Jr. Boy block to review with our little geeklings, StormBaby who is 6 and her brother Mr. Handsome who is 8 years old. As soon as they saw the boxes they were full of excitement. Kids love getting mail! They specially love getting boxes!
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Each Month for just 13.99 your child can feel like they are special and that someone really knows what they are into from My Little Pony to Skylanders! Nerdblock has Nerd-tastic experts that gather the best in toys, gear, and collectibles for a new box each month.  These subscription boxes make fantastic gifts for kids who seem to have everything! They are not just for kids though, there are different themes that adults will love too!
Both the children took to the job of opening their own boxes very seriously. I think they worried about breaking their treasure as they had not gotten these boxes before!
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There were so many toys in each box the kids knew all the themes too!
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My son specially loved the Star Wars Angry Bird Theme and the Mario Brothers Theme!
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StormBaby loved the PetShop Theme and Mario Themes the most!
One of the best things about NerdBlock Jr I think is that even if I am not in the “know” for what is popular right now, they are! My kids get some of the well known themes they love and some new ones to explore or trade with other kids! I think the only thing that could make these boxes cooler is if they came with a book. These did though come with a magazine for kids with activities and interesting things to learn about! Everything about these boxes is fun and of course that even includes the box itself that is now used to hold Nerdy treasures like Skylanders figures, LEGOs, Pokemon cards, and the normal rocks and such that kids just can’t seem to  help bringing in the house!
If you plan on getting this box I think it would be a great idea to also make sure you have shelving space to display all the beloved toys! It would be so cool to get these boxes every month and then see how things change and interests move over time!
Follow all the Nerdy news on NerdBlock social pages!
Now on to how you can get your own Nerdblock!



Check out other Holiday Gift ideas and Giveaways in the Holiday Gift Guide!


  1. Summer

    If I win I would get a boy box. My girls play with a lot of what people consider to be “boy toys” so a boy box would be fun for everyone!

  2. Bronwyn

    I would get a boy box. Minecraft is the current obsession so I would bet that would be the one chosen.

  3. Alina Hahn

    If I win I would get a boy box – my son would love these boxes (and my husband too lol). My son does love My Little Pony because I used to watch it when I was a little girl but I think he would prefer the boys box.

  4. Serena Powell

    If I won I would pick a boy box and my favorite Nerd theme is Comic Books (or Marvel).

  5. Lauren O

    I would get a girl box. My daughter likes to watch people open these boxes on YouTube. Her perfect theme would be anything to do with blind boxes or blind bag toys.

  6. I have one little girl who would like the Monster High one but they both together would flip for Minecraft!

  7. liz l

    I would get a girl box- marvel and hk

  8. Ashley C

    I would select a boy box. Most definitely it would be the horror box. So many neat things that could possibly be in it!

  9. Ani

    I would get a boy box since I’ve got 3 of those 🙂 Right now the favorite theme in our house would be Minecraft.

  10. Rosa Grigsby

    I would get the girl, my little pony for sure.

  11. Sara Z

    I would get a boys box. I’ve got a 7 year old! 🙂

  12. kathleen

    Tough Call! I guess i would get the boy box and go with the minecraft theme. But my girl would love the little pony box too.

  13. Shemp DeYoung

    My favorite is the Classic Nerd Box. Of the two ‘kids’ ones, I’d go with the Pikachu one.

    We are animation nerds in our house.

  14. Kimberly

    I would pick a girl’s box. I like the Aracade Box theme the best. All of the retro Mario items are cool.

  15. James Tichy

    If I won I’d chose a boy box. I think my 8 year old son would love it!

  16. Nicole

    If I won I’d choose the boy box. My 8 and 6 year old sons would love it. My nerd choice would be Mario, Lego or Ninja Turtles. All are king in our house.

  17. Karen O

    I would select a girl box (Nerd Block Jr for Girls). I like the Hello Kitty mini figures.

  18. Crissie Woolard


  19. Anna B

    A friend ordered this for his son. It’s not yet arrived, so can’t offer additional insight yet. I would have fun with either of these as an adult. I’d have to order two, one of each, for my two girls. The older one is much more into “boy” things and the younger is very girly.

  20. Lori H

    I would get a boy jr nerd box. Our favorite theme would be Pokemon, with maybe some Mario thrown in. 😉

  21. Patrycja Chudziak

    I would get the boys box…my son would do cartwheels at the mailbox lol

  22. Brandi

    I would pick the girl box. I have 3 daughters and 1 son. He is normally spoiled with the different things, but it would be nice to surprise my girls.

  23. betty wojnar

    IT would be for a boy in the minecraft theme~

  24. asha

    My little one would love my little pony or mario

  25. Jeanna

    I would love to get my son the Minecraft Theme box! He so LOVES Minecraft!

  26. Leah Shumack

    My daughter would love the girls box for sure and I think I would love the Arcade box LOL

  27. Fiona N

    I would love to have the Minecraft theme box for my son!
    Thank You for the chance

  28. Stephanie Shipley

    I would pick the boy’s box and my favorite nerd themes are Mario and Pokemon.

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