Review – Geeks Mobile USA

I received computer help today to get this old dinosaur of a computer to move along a bit faster. Ok so my laptop is only about 2 years old but in computer years that is OLD if you ask this Geek Mommy Goddess! Yes, we have older computers in the house, but the very young children use them as if they break them, no tears will be shed by any adult in the house. The children love them though so it would mean having to replace them some how. So maybe this old thing will be a back up soon for them too! Yes, that is a threat dear computer, work fast or end up a toddler toy!

When given the chance to review a computer service that optimizes computers I jumped on it. I need help. The service was easy, they called at the time we set up, they sent me to a page to log in with simple information they provided and then I left my computer for a few hours in good hands!

Ok, I spied! You see they do everything right there, you can see them moving your mouse and opening programs and running different clean up programs and changing different settings that could be better. It was about two hours all told. No viruses hiding any place but lots of tracking cookies that could well have been an issue. All cleaned up and they left me with a program to use to make sure I do not collect all that junk like I had before. That was really nice of them. What a great experience!

If you feel you need to see someone in person to help with your computer and want them to come to your house instead, Geeks Mobile USA can help with that. You have options! Though personally I think it is a blessing to not have to deal with waiting around for someone to come over and then having to deal with a stranger in the house for who knows how long. Some people have issues at the office though and If you need computer help for your small business, please visit their small business support sister company All IT Supported and they can come by and help too!



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