Easy Steps to Create a Backyard Garden

balcony garden terragarden


Over the past few years there has been a dramatic surge in the amount of people turning to greener ways of living. Whether through buying organic goods or including more indoor plants into their homes (and offices), there is a surge in the number of us who want to expand our knowledge and grow our own vegetables and plants. The issue is that many of us simply believe that we don’t have the space for sustainable living.


Often times, we envision acres of farmland when you we think of sustainable living. If you live in a third floor flat with a balcony, or you have a small concrete back yard, it can be very difficult to envisage how we could create our own farm style garden. However it can be done, all you need is the passion, a small space and the right knowledge.


This article is for those of us who are interested in learning how we can incorporate a bit of the farming lifestyle in our own lives, even if we are city dwellers. Here are some easy steps to turn your small space into the backyard garden of your dreams.


  1. 1.    Study the Space You Have


One of the most important parts to creating your own little garden is to know the ins and outs of the space you have available. This is important, not just to the look and feel of your garden, but also to ensure that it grows as well as it can. Gardens mature over years, so you need to look at the right places to build upon and the structure of your garden for the long term.


The most important aspect to note down is the times of day your space gets sunlight and shade. All plants need a clear mixture of both, but some don’t flower as well in heavy shade etc. You can buy sunlight calculators that will offer you an exact measurement, but spending a day each month watching the changes can work just as well. This will leave you with a basis from which to grow upon. Other aspects not to be missed are the simple practicalities, whether you have any tree roots that will need to be dealt with and the height of walls/fences.



  1. 2.    Preparation of Soil and Raised Beds/Pots


If you live in a flat and you have decided to start growing vegetables on your balcony, or you have a small grass yard, preparing your space is the next step to take. Once you have a rough idea about sunlight levels and layout you can start to install beds, planters and raised areas for use.


Your space may well determine what beds you can install – for example if you have a paved back yard, you may not want to get rid of the paving, install flat beds, planters, etc.. In this case, raised beds may be the answer. However, there are pros and cons of each. Raised beds often do better in cooler climates, whereas flat beds are easier to maintain and often grow better produce. Either way, preparing them for use is similar for each. You need a good quality soil, which is where the decisions can get very technical. Firstly you need to know the ph level within the soil, along with the moisture quality and considerations need to be made about organic matter such as compost.


  1. 3.    Choose the Plants


This is the final decision to make, the fun bit some might say. You will probably already have in mind some vegetables, herbs and flowers that you would like to grow which is a great start. However, if you are new to growing your own vegetables then there are some that are perfect for first time gardeners. Here are some of the easiest to grow that show good results.


    1. 1. Spring Onions – Spring Onions are great for growing in both pots and beds. They are hardy plants and don’t take a lot of looking after to get results.


    1. 2. Potatoes – Firstly they need to be grown in potato bags if you don’t have a soil bed garden. Great for planting in February and March, they prefer the cooler months.


    1. 3. Mint – This staple herb is great for adding to boiled water and drinker or sprinkling over peas. A Hardy plant, mint is easy to sew and should last for years.


    4. Basil – A relative of mint, it can be used in a wide variety of recipes. These

instructions to grow basil 

    1. will show you how easy this herb is to grow for even the novice gardener.


    1. 5. Tomato Plants – One of the quickest plants to get results from. Tomatoes are a great starter plant as they need sunlight and water, not much else. They can grow in planters, beds and even hanging baskets.”


 urban garden webecoist



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