Did you know it is National Cat Day?




My family now belongs to not one but two fluffy felines. They of course rule the house in their own ways.


One, our very old kitty, often ignores everything and everyone unless she is out of food, wants to go outside, or demands to be worshiped and petted. She was born outside in a barn so very long ago, she had many siblings and was very loved by her family. She was though as mentioned, one of many. When we visited she just wouldn’t stay off me and the family insisted I take her home. She seemed to insist too, so we did. All these many military moves she has stuck with us. She has gotten out in almost every place we have lived, patrolled her homes, and in her mind, kept us safe.

The other, a much younger kitty is all black. He was born outside and abandoned by his mother who sadly had to take care of her own hide in a harsh forest world. A call went out across the local groups, kitten needed rescuing. Families stepped up to help knowing that in a shelter black cats are normally not chosen for what ever reason. We were one of the families that rushed to help. It was impulsive and I am so glad we did. I wish we could have helped them all, but they did all in fact get quick homes.


We adopted him, fed him like a newborn around the clock with a kitty bottle, and of course he put a spell on us and we fell in love. His cute and sweet side though is just a tool he uses against us so he can gain our attention and then attack us with his razor claws and needle teeth.


He loves to play, and he loves to stalk toes and chomp on them. He has only kitty syndrome as it turns out, without siblings and a mother to teach him how to not play so hard, he has no self control now. It is painful! Thankfully for him, we love him, and will put up with it till he hopefully grows out of it!

So in honor of National Cat Day we got the Kitties new toys!

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The friendly yet feist toy! Cat Paws are wildly fun! Creep out co-workers, amuse cat lovers and STUPEFY cats themselves with the amazing, bizarre, wonderful and super fun CAT PAW! @mycatpaw You can find them at Toys R Us.

My 4 kids have found these to be a lot of fun. I shouldn’t have been shocked at how much they liked them. The cats loved them too. I figured they would as these toys are just another thing to pet them with and for the kitten, something to attack and play with!

My_Cat_Paw1These are the two cat paw toys we have been playing with. They have a trigger and it causes the paw to bend the way a cats paw does. It also has 2 sound effects, a cute meow and a fierce cat sound.


Our older cat specially loved these and getting pet with them. I thought the fierce sound would bother her but it didn’t at all. She jumped to be petted by this and just about dances. My_Cat_Paw3

The kitten doesn’t want to be pet as much as have something to play with! The toy paw has no claws but our kitten certainly does!


All the kids like playing with these toys and the cats!


The kids specially seem to like the white one. The cats do not seem to have a color preference, though it might be because they are color blind?


The kids really like these toys. So many giggles.


They are fun for tickling noses!


And a little grooming even!

Tag your cat photos today with #nationalcatday

You can find The Cat Paw:

Instagram – thecatpaw

My Cat Paw on Facebook 

My Cat Paw on Pinterest

We hope that you and your cat have a great day with lots of love and play!



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