Dear Mother, you need to know this!

Dear Mother,

You may not see how much I love you. You might think too much on your mistakes. You might not forgive yourself your short comings. You might hold to tightly to guilt over yelling, a moment that lacked patience, a time when you dropped the ball. You are not alone. You are human. You are still a mother and as long as you keep trying you will be a great Mother.

Give yourself some credit! It is said that to be a mother is to choose to have your heart out walking around in the world. It can feel like such a helpless and thankless position I know. You don’t have to be a martyr though to be a great mother, I promise. Just keep trying to be the best “you” possible, make that choice each day, each moment, and let go of the rest. Your heart is big, we know this, but don’t let the past pain take up precious room in it. Be kind to yourself.


The Watching Children


1 Comment

  1. Amanda

    Awww! so sweet! Happy mothers day to all the mommas!

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