The Compact

As you might be able to tell, our castle has too many books! Or at least not enough room for them all as things stand. Not sure I believe anyone can have too many books actually! hehehehe my own personal passion though, just happens to be shared by everyone in the house.

That being said, change is at hand.

An interesting idea came my way thanks to an online group I love very much, The Compact. It in short in a year of not spending money on things not needed like food and health items. No, it is not just that simple and we will need to make a few changes to fit us. We are still working them out.

I was not sure I could commit to anything like this when I first read about it. I talked with wonder hubby and as a day or too passed, it was like the idea had legs of it’s own and it has started to change our plans and out thinking.

Yes I am a little worried about my beloved new books. There is hardly a more perfect date than one that includes a big book store. Now though I might have to find a used book store and trade my beloved books. A site called is sure to get a lot of love from me this coming year.

It will be a challenge, one of many I am sure. I am excited and worried and excited. In the end though we want to focus more inward as a family together and we think this will help.

More to come!


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