Christmas Desserts and Drinks To Make With Your Kids

Christmas is quickly getting closer and closer which means that it is time to break out all of the fun Christmas traditions. Perhaps one of the best Christmas activities to do is get in the kitchen and make as many traditional goodies and treats as you can. It might be nice to try some new recipes using sugar free syrup

One of the best ways to make all of these tasty treats is by getting your kids in there to do it with you. While you certainly cannot bake or make complicated recipes with kids and not make a mess, the memories that you walk away with are worth every spill and mess that happens in your kitchen. Below is a list of some fun holiday treats that you can make with your kids that will lead to some precious memories down the road.

Snowman Cake Pops

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At their very core, these adorable little treats start out as basic vanilla cake pops that are attached to lollipop sticks. Your kids can then get melted white chocolate and have the responsibility of drizzling it on top of the cake ball. You can then all join in and add on pretzel arms together and either chocolate polka dots or chocolate-covered sunflower seeds for the eyes and buttons and you have yourself a tasty and adorable little snowman winter treat.

Sugar Cookie Christmas Treats

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Sugar cookies are a staple in every house when it comes to Christmas baking! Making the dough is just part of the fun that your kids can get in on (though you should prepare yourself for clouds of flour that will end up everywhere). After you roll out your dough, the kids can get Christmas cookie cutters like trees, candy cane shapes, stars, reindeer, Santa Clause’s, etc., and cut them out. Once the cookies are cooked, you can break out the frosting and the Christmas sprinkles and let the kids go to town decorating them however they want them to look. It will be fun for you to watch them enjoy themselves and they will be incredibly proud of the final product.

Rice Krispie Wreaths

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If you like fun, festive, and fast, then this is a Christmas treat that you and your kids will die for. Start by making Rice Krispies according to the package with added green food coloring. Once they are made a bright green color throughout, have the kids form them into small circles! They will love doing this and can do it with limited supervision. Once they have this done, you can get some red icing and form little red bow shapes on the Krispies. The end result will be the cutest little edible wreaths that will make anyone who sees them fall head over heels over a snack.

Chocolate Cherry Clusters

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Whether you have older teens or young toddlers that are helping you in the kitchen, this is a great Christmas treat for you all to make. All you need to make these beautifully tasting Christmas desserts are three easy ingredients. The finished product is almost so easy that it can be done without your supervision, but it is classy and tasty enough that it can be a big hit at any holiday party or school or work cookie swap.

The Classic Gingerbread House

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You simply cannot have a proper Christmas until you all get in the kitchen and build gingerbread houses together. When it comes to these, you can either bake the gingerbread part yourself or buy a ready-made kit from any store during Christmas time (typically the easier option). Once you have the walls put together, you and your kids can get to work decorating the house together. Whether you want it to be dripping in frosting and candy, or you want it to look more like a charming house at Christmas, you and your kids will enjoy the time you get to spend together turning it into your own creation and displaying it all Christmas long.

Hot Chocolate

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Another Christmas or winter-time staple that you absolutely cannot leave off of the list is hot chocolate. While you may need to heat the milk up on your own for safety reasons, you can allow your kids to mix in the chocolate so they can determine how much or how little chocolate they want in their drink. Let them put their own marshmallows on the drink and top it off with whip cream on their own. They will love doing this with you and you will love getting to sit at the table or in front of the fire, drinking hot chocolate, and making great Christmas memories.


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