The Bunny and The Eggs

Hope: What does the bunny and the colored eggs have to do with Easter as a Christ holiday?

Mommy: Go get your social studies lesson book and your waldorf crayons and we will share the story!

The Story of the bunny and the rainbow eggs:

Long ago, before the christian faith there was a story believed in by many people in different place and different ways, a lot like the old traditions of Yule. One group of people told of a long hard winter that never wanted to end. They waited day after day for one of the spring goddesses to come and share the warm of the new season with the ground. The ground was cold and still held piles of snow. When the Goddess Eastre with her golden light finally did come she happened to find a small bird with a wing frozen in the snow and unable to fly every again. She felt so much for this bird and felt badly for not bring spring with her sooner that she gifted the bird with a change. The goddess changed the broken little bird in a large while snow hair and made him faster than any other bunny so that hunters would never be able to catch him. She also blessed him with a special gift to remember where he had come from, the ability to lay eggs in all springs beautiful bright colors so that people would not lose hope that each year spring will come, though sometimes maybe a bit late.

The special bunny has nothing to do with Christ anymore than the Christmas tree does, just a few more traditions added to holidays that many people love.


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