Be Good To Yourself – $100 Giveaway


  Are you Good To Yourself?

Lets face it, most of us could take better care of ourselves, specially mothers! We tend to put work and others first and ourselves last. Is it any wonder why so many of us are out of shape, sleeping poorly, or completely confused over what health problems we actually have? We seem to have lost the ability to know when we are really hungry or just bored, when we are full, and how to help ourselves digest. Goodness knows I have and it takes some conscious effort to remember to be good to ourselves!


  Tips on how to Be Good To Yourself:

This is not at all a complete list of ideas on how to be good to yourself but maybe it will help spark something in you that will help change things for the better! Remember to check out the giveaway below and share your own tip on how your good to yourself! Join me on this journey to self awareness and care.

  Nourish Your Body

We all know the saying, that we are what we eat! Sadly though most of us look at foods like Salads as a sacrifice that we must eat rather than a gift to our health. It really is about changing how we think about food. Don’t think of what your eating as a diet, think of food what you do for yourself not just to satisfy cravings but needs your body has. Is that cake going to meet a real need your body has or just a temporary pleasure that you will regret later? Don’t get me wrong, pleasure is a great way to be good to yourself but not at the expense of the rest of your health!

   Enjoy the exercise high!

Most of us don’t make the time to work out. Many don’t know how, thus all the injuries that are the result of exercise. The best way to prevent injury and still enjoy the workout is a good class or a trainer. They are not as costly as most think and you are worth it. It is shown that those who work out are happier. My husband is in the military and he often tells me how much he dreads long runs at times and then after how great it feels. Your body wants to do it, it just doesn’t know it till you hit that sweet spot and feel amazing. You can get there!

  Feel Pretty?

If your not feeling attractive that is an issue! Being Go To Yourself has a lot to do with positive self talk. Maybe therapy would help? Or maybe get out and shop till you find just that perfect outfit that screams “This is me and I am awesome!” or some such. Yes, it takes time but again, be good to yourself!

There are so many ways we can be good to ourselves, but the basic is our health, physical and mental. I noticed while checking out HBF that their health hub had a lot of ideas on this! HBF even has an online health and fitness community called Living Well!

   Go to sleep early!

Did you know that the CDC has said that sleep deprivation and other sleep issues are an epidemic? We have to do better! Most of us though think we can stay up late and sleep in the next day and catch up on missed sleep. Sleep though doesn’t work that way. Sleeping in can actually cause further sleep issues. It is better to pamper yourself by going to sleep early if you need to catch up on sleep and wake up at the same time each morning. If your trying to adjust your sleep schedule it is best to focus on when you get up and keep that time at what it needs to be.

  Go on a Date!

10375127_631906686918672_2497312478750974873_n(Don’t wait! Do it for yourself!)

Not enough parents get time out alone to be themselves and romantic. This is important for your mental health and relationship health. Make you heart a priority! If your not in a relationship it is all the more important to get out into the world, meet people doing things you enjoy! There are groups just for singles to go out and experience the world. Go on a cruise, try new food, explore nature! You are worth it!


– Giveaway –

Starts 7/29  and Ends 8/16


Open to those 18 years or older and void where prohibited.

Enter below! First Entry is sharing in a comment something you do to be good to yourself or something you would like to start doing to be good to yourself!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner has 48 hours to respond to winning notification before new winner is chosen. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. Odds of winning are based on number of entries received. Giveaways on this blog are in no way affiliated with Facebook or any other social media networks.


  1. Jenna O

    I´m quite patient and love to pamper myself. I´d love to be more wild sometimes 😀

  2. Uplifting Families

    I really could stand to lose some weight and start eating healthier.

  3. Courtnie

    I want to learn to be more patient.

  4. Sarah Hayes

    i want to workout more and eat cleaner. i also want to have higher self esteem

  5. Jessica Rudnick

    I changed my eating habits and started exercising! I lost 40 pounds in 8 months so far!

  6. Henning

    I want to eat healthier and lose some weight!

  7. toniqueka

    I deserve it bc I have sacrificed my means to provide for my family to take care of my son whom was just in the hospital. It’s so easy to forget about myself but ty for reminding me to care for others I must care for myself! I just decided to become my own boss. Ty so much for another round of inspiration

  8. bianca roman

    i would like to spend more time on actually fix my hair, make body scrubs, put on a face mask..take a hot bubble bath.

  9. Tara

    Every day I am good to myself by taking time for a shower and putting on a little make-up to feel like a lady.

  10. Susan Christy

    I am good to myself as much as I can afford to be.

  11. Madeline

    I’m good to myself when I take time to relax and meditate. I could do this more often though!

  12. Dawn Monroe

    For years my husband and I have went with out for the kids but our youngest is 17 now and hopefully its time to splurge on us. Id love to get my hair done for the first time in years.

  13. Calli

    Treating myself with dark chocolate after a good workout 🙂

  14. Zac Johnston

    I think I am a great uncle to my two nephews. Although I’m not the most in shape person, I still like to believe that the three of us can still do many exciting and challenging things on a weekly basis. Although I eat quite healthily I believe that if I give up a few little treats eg. A small trifle at the weekend, pounds may soon drop off. By the end of the year, I’m hoping to have lost round about a stone. If I manage this, I will feel confident enough and have the self esteem to be able to take my nephews on a camping holiday and explore the country a little more.. And hopefully be able to climb a mountain (one of my goals on my bucket list)

  15. kalsey harrison

    I would change my eating habits.

  16. Anna B

    I am good to myself by going to a sewing group, usually without my kids. I also will get together with my artist friends to meditate, sing, make music, paint, or art around for the joy of it.

  17. Claire Y.

    I take long stroller walks with other moms. I would love to get myself back into a yoga routine. I think that would be the best thing.

  18. sara haaf

    I want to eat better to make myself feel better, I need to start meal planning and utilizing my crock pot more as I rely too much on convenience foods.

  19. Joel

    I enjoy a nice cup of cocoa, or tea, and a good book 🙂

  20. Betty B.

    I want to give myself more time to allow maybe for a hobby or reading time.

    • Kimberly Storms

      Sometimes I feel like it is cruel how many amazing books are out there and how few I will get to read in my life! I think it is great to make a goal to have more time to read!

  21. stacy hancock

    i stepped back from house stuff. stopped putting pressure on myself to have that super clean home with all the laundry put away. i was sick for a long time with this pregnancy(due in oct) and still have bad days or the once in a while week, so it was necessary. i am thankful for my husband and how much he’s picked up while i’ve been unable to do a lot of basics, too.

  22. steve weber

    I’d like to get back in the gym.. I haven’t been there in a while due to work.

  23. Eva Mitton-Urban

    Society dictates that we all need to change to conform to BE what society wants. I am learning not to be so critical of myself and just do the best each day as Mom/Wife/Sister/Friend and be happy with that. At night I give thanks for my blessings and acknowledge that I am unique and fine the way I am. Hugs and kisses from my 10 year old son Evan indicates that I am doing a good job – the REWARD.

    Eva Mitton-Urban

  24. Denise L

    I really try to eat right (that includes dark chocolate 🙂 ) I find it helps me deal with the daily stress of work, parenting, and marriage. Plus, it just tastes good!

  25. Janice P.

    I like buying books for myself and reading them when everyone else is asleep. I have stopped following the news, it doesn’t help my calm.

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