The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long — Eggs are SET!

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We set our eggs this past Saturday at about 2pm, sadly not the NOON that most everyone else set their eggs for this Hatch-a-long. Still, if all goes right they should be hatching at about the same time as thousands of other back yard chicks!


10 eggs in an incubator for 7…. why? Because chicken people said: 


So we braved stacking them a bit! Wish them luck! They might need it! 

If you have back yard chickens or think that you might want them I highly recommend jumping on the forums at and research and ask all the questions you have. There are so many helpful and kind people to meet there and they love sharing their passions I have seen!

Be warned though, there is something called Chicken Math. It goes a bit like this:


Notice not even all the birds after the = sign are even chickens? Some how people end up with ducks, geese, swans and emu even! Don’t say I didn’t warn you! LOL

So anyone following this blog, and our loved ones, might be asking about out other chicks. They are 6 weeks old and huge! Photos to come soon! We still have 6 of them and they are thriving and very much interested in everything. We still have not fully put together their coop and we still need to research what kind of weather sealant to use on the wood that is effective but also safe for the birds. We don’t have a lot of time left, the clock is ticking as they say, as the birds should really be out in the coop at about 8 weeks old!

Why are we hatching chicks if we already have as many birds as we wanted to have this first year?

Chicken Math! It happens people, it is real, and you should be worried!

We love hatching as it turns out and have done it a handful of times the last few years. Always though the chicks go back to their farm a few weeks old. Maybe not this time though. We got the eggs shipped in the mail, meaning they have a lot hatch rate as is, and we only set the 10 we could fit into the coop. I am calling these my back up chickens. Why do I think we need them? There is a learning curve! My dear baby sister and her wife had ducks/chicks last year and they died, same with my mothers last year. I read about it all the time, things happen! With the 6 huge birds around here, I am just not sure how things will go with us verses the natural predators around here. Worse comes to worse, we have a few hatch and we find them homes! Or I convince my husband to build an add-on to the coop we got! 🙂

Keep an eye out for a guessing contest for these eggs! 

1 Comment

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