5 Helpful Tips to Help Little Ones Deal With Fevers


 This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FightFever #CollectiveBias

Advil Children's Fever Reducer


1. Electrolyte Freezer Pops

While many parents know not to give kids soda as it is empty calories at best and poses other health risks at it’s worst most parents don’t know that fruit juices are not the best option for kids when they have a fever. Dehydration is one of the biggest risks when kids have a fever and juices have too much sugar and not enough essential minerals. To help kids feel a bit better and have something fun try freezing a sports drink that is made to help recharge electrolytes. Products like children’s electrolyte drinks are great as they are not loaded with sugar.


 2. Fun and Games 

One of the things my kids can count on when they are sick is quality time with their parents. We play games to keep them feeling supported and cared for and not dwelling on how under the weather they are feeling. It also helps us gauge just how sick they are. If their level of consciousness drastically changes that means they have to go right into the doctor if not the ER. While rest is helpful of course so is keeping little ones spirits up.


3. Children’s Advil Fever Reducer

While letting small fevers run their course can help in the long run at a certain point the pediatrician recommends over the counter medication to reduce the fever. Children’s Advil has us covered and we always have it in our medicine cabinet, the baby bag, and the first aid box in our van.


4. Cool Bath

While the cold baths of my childhood are no longer recommended it is still ok to give kids cool baths to bring down high fevers. This can be tricky if your child has no interest in a bath but that is never the case with my kids as they love baths, especially with toys and company. Just a 10 minute bath can really bring down a child’s temp and it can combined with a fever reducer often break a fever.

5. Read A Book

It can be really nerve wracking and possibly scary to both parents and children to have a little one sick, especially in the middle of the night when fevers seem to get worse. One of the things we do to get through those times is to pull out a good picture book or better yet, a chapter book for kids. It can help pass the time while waiting for the Children’s Advil to kick in or for your child to feel comfortable enough to get back to sleep. It is something so comforting and can get your mind off focusing on the worry. It is something so simple but so good for the heart of both you and your child. If you have to at some point go to the Doctors office or the ER then you can bring the book and keep the story going and keep you both calm while waiting to be seen.

  Finally On The Mend

This last little illness was really hard on the heart. Because we had a cold going around the house and a fever we had to put off a trip to see my Father who has terminal cancer. A simple cold could be the end of him. Focusing on the little ones we made a trip out to Walgreens like we so often do and got the things needed to help us get on the mend. We can always count on Walgreens to have what we need when we are sick. It is always easy to find what we are looking for too.

walgreens advil

In this case, Children’s Advil
walgreens advil 2

You should follow Children’s Advil on Facebook to learn more about why they are a great choice for fighting fevers.

walgreens advil 3

Children’s Advil® comes in Sugar-free Dye-free Berry, Bubble Gum, Grape, Blue Raspberry, Fruit and Dye-Free White Grape flavors. We get sugar free as it is what is best for a few of our children who have issues with sugar and I love that it is dye-free too!

Advil For Kids Dye Free

If your children prefer you can also get Children’s Advil in Grape Chewables and easy-to-swallow small tablets.

Did you know that Children’s Advil not only brings down fevers faster than Tylenol but also keeps it down longer with less medicine than Children’s Tylenol? That is why we use it, plus the kids just seem to like the flavor better honestly.

Here is to wishing you and your littles health and wellness and if all else fails and a fever hits join us in reaching for Children’s Advil. Thanks to Children’s Advil we are able to get back to our adventures and go spend some much needed time with loved ones. So thankful we are on the mend and so excited to get on the road!

Be Well!


  1. Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom

    I had no idea Children’s Advil had so many flavors! Hopefully if I pick up some of the Blue Raspberry my girls will stop fighting me when it’s time for medicine. #client.

  2. A fever can be so scary! My boys caught a nasty bug last year and we had a hard time keeping their fevers below 100 even alternating tylenol and ibuprofen. I definitely keep it on hand and love how fast it works. I like the syringe and how quickly the liquid begins to work! I completely agree with the bath and freezer pops. The kids think they’re a treat and they help combat a fever and dehydration.

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