5 Green Tech Upgrades to Increase Your Home’s Resale Value


Whether you’re driven by budgetary concerns, are concerned about the future resale value of your home, or simply just want to switch to a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle, then green is clearly the way to go. And the current craze for green solutions has given rise to the rapid development of some seriously cost-effective technologies that benefit homeowners and the environmentally conscious alike. Here are five green tech upgrades that are practically guaranteed to increase the resale value of your home.

Set Up a Solar Power Array


Image via Flickr by EnecoMedia

Obviously, one of the first green tech upgrades everyone thinks of is solar panels. After all, this technology seems to have the most direct correlation with your home’s energy consumption (you are generating your own off-the-grid energy effectively). But while those savings are real and tangible, you might not be getting them where you expect. To this end, according to data compiled by the Energy Information Administration, you won’t see a direct return on your investment in terms of recouped energy costs unless you live in a home for almost two decades.

So where do you actually see savings? Well, most likely your local government (and maybe even your area’s utility company) will offer all kinds of incentives to sweeten the deal and subsidize your system’s costs; things like tax breaks, discounts, and rebates, for example. It also can pay off in terms of your home’s resale value: according to the US agency, HUD, your home’s value will go up by $20 per each $1 of lowered electrical bills. Put this together with the incentives, and there should be more than enough motivation to hop aboard the solar panel train.

Replace Your Appliances with Energy Star Counterparts


Image via Flickr by Handolio

Depending on the device, these appliances have anywhere between 10% to 50% lower energy consumption than their voltage-vampire doppelgängers. Your homeowners association also doesn’t have to be consulted to install these things, so it’s really a double win due to lowered hassle. These guys can be a little pricey, but that price pales in comparison to the lowered energy bills and enhanced attractiveness to home buyers down the road.

Install Argon-Filled Windows


Image via Flickr by skvidal

The average window is double-paned, vacuum sealed, and completely empty between the panes. However, if the windows are sealed with argon or krypton gas, they’re more energy-efficient from an insulation standpoint. They also block out UV rays from entering your home. While the prices are variable and the actual energy savings are just as varied, these savings nonetheless can be considerable. Combine these babies with a set of stylish wood blinds, and you’ll have a solution that’s as visually attractive as it is cost-effective.

Get a Tankless Hot-Water System (Solar or Gas-Powered)


Image via Flickr by keeganmullaney

The sun’s power isn’t limited to mere energy generation. It can also be used for creating hot water, which can account for almost a quarter of the average homeowner’s energy bills. There are a few different types of these systems ranging from active pump-driven systems to passive pumpless systems, and they’re admittedly a bit on the expensive side (approximately $7500 for the basic set up). Fortunately, however, these are also often subject to incentives and subsidies, not to mention they too will augment your home’s value.

With these five upgrades, you’ll not only be making your home more energy and cost efficient, but you’ll also be raising its price tag when it comes time to find a buyer. Isn’t technology amazing?


Author Bio:

Eddie Childs would like to raise the resale value of his own home. However, he’ll need to move out of his painfully tiny apartment and purchase a house before he can actually do any of that.


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