Which Language Is Best for Your Child to Learn?

What language to pick
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It is generally accepted that learning a second language is something all children should be encouraged to do. However, it can be difficult to know what language is best. There have been many studies that encourage various languages over the others. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the benefits associated with different languages so you can decipher the best one for your child.

  • Korean – Korean may not be the most obvious choice. However, South Korea’s economy is growing in power, as it’s geopolitical culture. Because of this, Korean is an upcoming language that you may want to consider. Korean culture is like no other, with K-pop music becoming embraced worldwide. Not only this, but there are currently more than 80 million Korean speakers worldwide.
  • Portuguese – This is another language that probably does not immediately spring to mind when deciding what language your child should learn, and this is exactly the reason why it is a wise option to consider. As Portuguese is rarely studied, your child will have a skill that is incredibly marketable. This is especially the case when you consider that the language is the 6th most spoken across the globe.
  • German – Knowing how to learn any language is never easy, but there is an argument that it’s easier to learn German when compared with other options. This is because German is closely related to English. Therefore, if you want to give your child an easier introduction to languages, German is a great place to start. Not only this, but as it is the number one export nation in the world, anyone who speaks German will increase their business opportunities.
  • Russian – Roughly 280 million people speak Russian across the world. It is also the official language of the UN. There are increased opportunities and demand for Russian speakers. This is because of the growing business opportunities with multinational companies and international political developments. A lot of people also believe that Russian is one of the easier languages to learn because the letters have a consistent pronunciation.
  • Mandarin Chinese – There are a number of reasons to consider this language. It is not only spoken by over one billion people worldwide, but there is a growing demand for Mandarin-speaking employees. Plus, the sooner your child starts learning this language, the better. It can become more and more difficult when you get older.
  • French – Last but not least, we have French, which is one of the most studied languages in the world. This is probably because it is the official language of more than 26 countries. It is also highly utilised in sectors such as fashion, culinary arts, literature, and higher learning.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding regarding some of the best languages for children to learn, as well as the benefits associated with each one. Of course, your decision will be made based on your own feelings, as well as where your child is currently based and their opportunities for the future.



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