When people of your “tribe” make you look crazy…

While I love the crunchy world, attachement parenting, trying to leave green, trying to eat cleaner, and trying to raise a healthy family, I don’t always agree with what others in those same groups believe.

Maybe that is why I think of myself as only a little crunchy.

An example I came across to night is here:

I love science and I know it is a tool that has been used for good and evil but the opinions of the person who wrote the above are just…. well…. crazy. And this is coming from me, a rather open minded girl who loves to entertain tin hat theories with friends. (Is the world ending in 2012? LOL No, but what if…. hehehe)

So while I have personal experience with vaccine damage, I don’t think they (the government) are going to mass produce and inject chemical lobotomies. I don’t think they are going to make chips that cause protesters to lay down and day dream and not think for themselves. I do not think they are going to limit vit D to dumb down the population. So many things on that one page alone that makes me shutter knowing that site is linked to the “natural” community at large.

While some people in government and some controllers of some media have used events to scare people into doing things before, like the little sheeple we are (He even used my beloved word, now it feels a bit slimy) I do not believe the terrorist events he is talking about have been carried out the way he says they have. He is doing the very same thing he is accusing them of doing, spreading fear for his own gain. I don’t like it.

So know this, I am NOT in that guys tribe. Yes, I believe there are wrongs done, yes I believe that there is too much of a revolving door between government and corporations and yes I believe that we need to research and make choices for ourselves. However I am not that bat $hit crazy. I promise. Please excuse my vulgarity, I am just still shaken by that page.

Do you have people in your “tribe” who you think give you a bad name?

Here is one for you. Bad Apple is to Barrel like Palin is to Feminism! (I think that works?)


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