VENT: School Fundraiser Overload!

 On a forum I am a part of a mother expresses her frustration at having to to keep up with 7 fundraisers in two weeks time, and how most of them seem to be class based and so children are told if they do not raise so much money that the whole class will not be able to go to the pizza party, or if they don’t get a certain amount of money they alone will stand out. Over and over again this is what is happening to her son and it is effecting the whole family, specially in these hard times. This was my not so fluffy reply:

  That system is sick. 

 Not shocking though. Public schools where created to make a malleable work force that would not go on strike. They wanted sheeply that would be lost without authority dictating what to do and when. They did not want anyone to think for themselves. 

  The way they are running those fundraising events sounds like it fits right in with the school model of obedience to the whole and no rights to the person and it helps to create good little consumers who want to have what they see everyone else around them having! 

 That being said, not all schools are this way, there are some great ones, but I do not believe the majority of them to be wonderful. Not because of teachers though, but rather they system they are all trapped in.

  We homeschool, this is one of the many reasons. The biggest being that we are a military family and moved 11 times in 13 years! Homeschooling is not the perfect solution for everyone either however. If something is not working for your children, do what you must to change it!

1 Comment

  1. Chatón

    Following you from Bloggy moms. My baby is 14.5 months old so she doesn’t go to school yet. I work outside the home, but someone comes in to take care of her. I’m high glam but a little crunchy too. I make her food from scratch, breastfeed and use natural cleaners! Follow me back at

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