Together Forever: Preserving Family Memories For The Future

Looking at old photos and camera


Children grow up so fast, you might feel like there’s been hardly any time between your child going from a baby to becoming a toddler. In fact, you might find that the years start to slip through your fingers and, before you realize it, your kids are teenagers and almost adults! Even though seeing them grow up gives most parents a thrill and makes them feel super proud, it can still be ever so slightly tinged with sadness. After all, your little baby will be growing up and will soon be completely independent from you. There’s no wonder why some parents want their little babies to stay small and cute forever!


To make sure that you never forget how your kids were when they were tiny and adorable, you need to try and make as many memories as possible. This isn’t just the case with your kids, though, you should endeavor to try and make as many memories with everyone in your family before everyone ages. That way, you always have things that can help you look back on the good times and all the fun that you shared together.


There are lots of great ways to make fun memories together. And there are also a few different ways that you can preserve all of these family memories for the future. Here are some great ideas.


saving memories





  • Always Backup Digital Photos – These days, it is incredibally easy to be snap happy with our smartphones. You’ll find that you can quickly amass hundreds of photos on your phone! There’s nothing wrong with this of course, as it means that you will have lots more photos to cherish forever. You just need to remember that you continually back them up, though. Otherwise, you risk losing them for good if your phone were to ever break or go missing.
  • Create Physical Photo Albums – Don’t forget that you can make a physical photo album as well. These are great items to keep as you can take them out whenever someone comes to visit and they can have a flick through your family photos. You will find that the physical photos are a lot easier to cherish than the digital ones on your phone. You can pick out your favorite ones to go in these extra-special photo albums.
  • Add Family Photos To Your Home Decor – As well as keeping your most precious family photos in albums, you might like the idea of adding some to your home’s decor. For instance, you might like the idea of creating a picture wall. This could be a great focal point for your living room. You can either frame the photos and hang them on the wall, or get prints of them to add to the wall instead.
  • Create Photo Mason Jars – Another nice way to help preserve your memories as photos is to create photo mason jars. To do this, you just need to fit a photo into a mason jar. You might have to curve the image slightly so that it fits in the round jar. Then, you can simply display the jars around your home.



old photos vintage keeping memories as kids grow





  • Create Videos Using Your Smartphone – Just a few years ago, you needed to buy some very expensive home recording equipment. However, these days it has never been easier. You just need to whip out your smartphone and get filming! You can then upload these videos to your social media platforms to share with all your friends and family. Just remember to backup all of these videos as you did with your photos. That way, they won’t be lost forever if something were to happen to your phone.
  • Convert VHS Home Movies To DVDs – If you were creating home videos over a decade ago, there’s a good chance that your videos are all on VHS tapes. Unfortunately, the VHS format is almost obsolete now, and there is a good chance that you no longer have a VHS player. Everyone watches DVDs instead! So, you should consider using a company like Perfect Image Video who can convert your VHS tapes into digital formats. That way, you can continue to watch your home videos on modern video player equipment.
  • Create Video Memories For Milestone Birthdays – If you aren’t already creating fun family movies, you might want to start doing so for your children’s’ milestone birthdays. For instance, you might want to create a video slideshow of some great pictures for your child’s eighteenth or twenty-first birthday. You might even want to edit some different video footage of them together to create a film of their childhood. They will love to look back on this when they are an adult!

Photos remember better than we do




Vacation Memories



  • Collect Shells On The Beach – Want to create some unique memories of your times away on vacation? There are lots of ways to do that, but if you are enjoying a beach holiday, you might want to all spend some time collecting pretty shells on the beach. You can bring these home with you and use them in your decor. For example, you might want to add them to your indoor flower pots for some extra color, or you could create a colorful shell jar to display in a room.
  • Fill Memory Jars While On Vacation – As well as gorgeous shell jars, you might want to make some memory jars actually during your holiday to bring back with you. While you are out and about, you could all try to collect small trinkets to fill a jar with. Even if you don’t find anything, you might want to write down a few different memories from your time away to go into the jar. Fill this with as much as you can so that you never forget about the great time you had with your family on vacation!
  • Take Disposable Cameras With You – It’s also a good idea to take a few disposable cameras with you. This way, you don’t have to waste too much space in your luggage by packing your large DSLR. Plus, it means you don’t have to worry about taking your expensive smartphone out and about with you. Some people prefer to leave their smartphone in their hotel room as they are worried about losing it or it being stolen. It won’t matter too much if you break or lose a disposable camera as they are cheap enough to replace. But they are still good enough to take some really good quality photos!


building memories with books with children



Baby Memories



  • Take Baby Hand And Footprints – To make sure that you never forget your children as babies, you might want to take the time to create some special memories of them at that age. The best way you can do that is to take some hand and footprints. There are some pottery shops dotted around the country that give you the chance to create pot prints you will be able to keep together. If you want a cheaper alternative, you could always just make some paint prints.
  • Take Birthday Measurements – Another really cute idea is to take your kids’ height measurement on every birthday. You should do this on the back of a door or the back of a closet on which you can draw their heightline and record it. That way, you have something to compare each birthday’s height with. Kids love to see how much they grow by each year, and this can help you remember just how small they were once upon a time!
  • Upcycle Baby Clothes And School Uniforms – You don’t have to throw your kids’ clothes out just because they outgrow them. In fact, there are a few ways that you can keep them and craft them into some very charming memories! For instance, there are now a few different companies that will turn your baby’s old clothes and baby grows into fun cuddly toys. You might even want to give this a go yourself if you are feeling extra crafty and artistic! You can always start as easy as possible and simply use the old clothes to make cushions with. This isn’t as intricate or detailed as making teddy bears!
  • Commemorate Special Events With Personalized Keepsakes – There are a lot of different keepsakes that you can have personalized these days. For instance, you might want to buy a silver photo frame for a baby picture and get it engraved with your child’s name and date of birth. Other customizable gifts include clothes, jewelry, and greetings cards.
  • Frame Special Items Of Clothing – I’ve already mentioned that you can upcycle old baby clothing to preserve it as a way of keeping its memories, but you can also frame special items of clothing that you don’t want to chop up and turn into something else. For example, you can frame your child’s christening gown. In fact, these can be stored and preserved much in the same way you would store your wedding dress.



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Memories should be cherished so that they can be passed down from generation to generation. Hopefully, this blog has given you plenty of ideas how to do that.


1 Comment

  1. Hey Kimberly,
    Very nice blog with wonderful ideas you have shared with us! By Preserving Memories of our family members, we can feel their presence with us forever. Thank you and keep posting..

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