Toddlers Need Sleep

 Toddlers need sleep, but how much sleep? 
Being a crunchy parent you know that sleep can be a hot topic for some. Many in our circles though believe in child led sleeping, meaning we parent by following their needs and not making them conform to our own. 
That being said, it is believed that toddlers need between 12 and 14 hours of sleep in a give 24 hour period. Often including one nap from an hour to nearly three long. 
Does your child sleep that much? More or Less? Does your 2 year old nap? 
My newly two year old naps as she wishes, often in the evening. She though is a night owl much like myself and her oldest sister. We stay up late and have the luxury of sleeping in a bit as we homeschool and can school in the hours that work best for us. 
We believe in night time parenting and not letting our children cry it out. This means if my baby is up and upset, even at 2 year old, that someone will be right there for her, be it myself or Daddy. It does not happen too often but being around her 2nd year like many children there is a transition time and she has been co-sleeping with us more often than a few weeks ago. Our children are always welcome to come cuddle if they need to but we also make sure that each has their own space and we do a bed time rhythm in those spaces with them. 
Being 2 can be hard, she understands so much and knows she can cause reactions but not always being able to control what those reactions will be. Our little one is not talking as much as some of our other children, this does not mean there is anything wrong with her or that she is behind, she is just different. This does though mean that she gets a bit more upset when we do not understand what she wants us to. This afternoon I thought she was overwhelmed by all the excitement of the day and maybe sleepy as she had gotten up early and was upset with many of the things we had tried to help her feel balanced again so I got in bed and thought to take a nap with her. She was still upset though, that clearly not being what she wanted. I handed her roll of ribbon that was near my bed and she sat up to chatter happily about it with a little tear on her face. She wanted to play more. Off the bed she got with her roll of ribbon to go join the other children again very happy. It made me sigh as she was playing when she was getting upset seemingly for no reason and then she figured out she wanted to play more she was happy. If only I could see into that little mind. As I can’t I will keep striving to help her navigate the world and her feelings. I will not let her cry confused or angry or hurt or sad all alone. I wouldn’t do that to my husband so why would I abandon my child like that? 


  1. lisa

    Toddlers need sleep. Parents need sanity. When they’re very young they sleep and wake as needed. As they get older they need to learn that at a certain time If they’re tired they will take a quiet time. They can play… Mommy needs to get things done too. Even if it’s just a quick nap.

    • LittleCrunchy

      While toddlers need sleep, and mothers have things to do, I don’t think CIO is a good option in getting either of those two needs met.

  2. I slept with my child until she was 12 and it didnt hurt her much. She went thru some things as a toddler and had problems being alone in her room. I couldnt resist!!

    • LittleCrunchy

      Bed sharing is very common in older societies. Sadly in our society we associate the bed with all things sexual and not simply a place to sleep safe and sound.

  3. Alyssa F

    true that! us women also need beauty sleep. so cute piture!

  4. Amanda

    My 26 mo old boy sleeps about 10 hrs a day … 9 hrs at night and a 1 hr nap. I wish it was 12-14 a day! lol and yes it is hard to figure out our babies!

  5. Sarah Hayes

    my daughter has never been a good sleeper and Im sure she doesnt get the recommended amount each day. shes fine with taking a nap after lunch but its a fight to get her in bed at night. shes always been too busy to want to go to sleep so I hope she ends up getting enough for herself and maybe she just needs a little less than other kids

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