The Wall Bumpi

Last June this wonderful company sent me a wall bumpi as my baby was going to be moving into a toddler bed and I really wanted to be able to sleep well without the worry of her falling out in the middle the night. 
As you know things have been crazy and one thing after a another and then plans changed and this wonderful item was closeted. After all was said and down, baby ended up on a twin without worry of a fall. So what to do with this great product? Co-sleeping one night had the answer. 
We still co-sleep when our children need it, specially the baby. For a while now though after official co-sleeping for us ended we put our bed back on it’s frame and off the floor. My biggest worry with this frame though hit one morning, baby got stuck between the bed and the frame bars at the top of the bed. It was frightening to wake up to her panic. She is no longer a little baby that is helpless, she got herself stuck with her tossing and turning and in her slumber freaked when she woke up rather stuck. I needed to be able to keep her safer and I needed to be able to sleep better knowing she was safe between me, the wall and the top of the bed. This is what I came up with: 
(My little siste got me Giraffe sheets knowing I love them!)

The wall bumpi fir perfectly and snuggly, she can’t get in that spot now. I sleep better now when co-sleeping is needed. Now wall bumpi does not promote co-sleeping. They simply promote safe sleeping. They have these bumpies that can help in many different bed situation in different sizes. Had I known we would not be using a toddler bed I would have gone with a full size for this situation! 
 Images from their site can help show you what I mean: 
My son really could have used these given he was my most rolly little one. He was 5 and still falling out of bed. Had I known about these he would have gotten 4 to keep him in! The little rails on toddler beds where not ever enough to keep him from falling out. Goodness what disturbing nights those ended up being. 
I love how solid this wall bumpi is and yet soft. It is secure. The pouch for it is brilliant and hold things in my bed like books, tissues, and sometimes the ipad so baby will know just where to look for it if she wakes up. Goodness she loves the ipad and knows how to use it better than I do most days I think. But I am rambling again. The Wall Bumpi comes in three sizes for toddler beds, twin, and full/queen. They also come in colors. They have a zipper so you can take off the cover to wash just in case a sick child blesses them! It is like they thought of everything child related when they created these. 
 Practical, Functional & Stylish
100% Made in the USA

Is a great company with great customer service and they really care about families and safety but also fun! They do not just have wall bumpi but body pillows for kids in the shapes of cute monsters and the best nap time cots! 


  1. Katrina

    These look great! Our toddler bed has a short railing on the side at the head of the bed so we don’t need this but it is exactly what I would be looking for if the bed didn’t have the railing to keep her from rolling off. Maybe she’ll need one when we upgrade to the next size (or another baby steals her crib/bed).

  2. jennifer zuna

    what a great product!! i could still use this with my 4 year old..he NEVER stays in his bed all night lol

  3. Frugal WaMommy

    Such a great idea! I have been using rolled up pillows and blankets! But this looks so much safer

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