Five Things Nobody Tells You about Breastfeeding

Studies have shown that it’s beneficial to both mom and baby to breastfeed. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, breastfed babies have an incredible 20 percent less chance of dying between ages 28 days and 1 year than babies who are not breastfed.

They are also less likely to develop allergies and more likely to have a high IQ.

But while there are many benefits to breastfeeding, it is not an easy undertaking. Here are five things no one tells new moms about breastfeeding – but that you definitely need to know.

It Really Hurts

There’s really no way to sugarcoat this: Breastfeeding is painful, and it hurts a very sensitive part of the anatomy, the nipples.For the first four weeks, and sometimes more, nipple soreness, bruising and chafing can be problems. Sometimes a mom will even want to give up breastfeeding because it hurts so badly.

But there are remedies that can help. Ointments such as lanolin are a lifesaver, and natural options like tea bags or cold compresses are also helpful.

Things that Work for One Woman Won’t Work for Another

Your best friend, mom and sister will all share their breastfeeding experience with you as enthusiastically as they’d share an amazing concert they just attended. While it can be reassuring to compare notes, remember that no two women’s experiences are the same. Something that worked for them, such as the football hold, may not work for you and your baby.

That doesn’t make either of you right or wrong. It just means you’re different, and that’s OK.

It’s OK to Introduce the Bottle Early

There are many breastfeeding advocates who say you should not introduce a bottle in the first few months to avoid nipple confusion.

But this is not always true. Again, it depends on your baby. Some take to a bottle with ease and have no problem switching back and forth between bottle and breastfeeding. Others actually take to a bottle much better than the breast, but by pumping you can still provide them with breast milk even without actually feeding from the breast.

Some mothers even prefer this method because their husbands can be more involved in feeding.

Babies Bite

You will swear that cute little bundle of joy is moonlighting as a vampire. Any breastfeeding mom who says she’s never been bitten is lying or blocking it out.

It is Extremely Messy

Breastfeeding breasts leak. Your milk production will start when you hear your baby cry – it’s a natural anatomical response even if you’re not holding the baby to your breast.

Invest in some nursing pads and you’ll be fine. You’ll even come to expect it.

Byline: Michelle is an aspiring writer who is passionate about writing and religion. When she’s not working or participating in Bible discussions at her church, she’s blogging on anything and everything! She loves how blogging gives her the opportunity to improve her writing skills, voice her thoughts and opinions, and share advice with an unlimited audience.


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