Take your Parents to the Playground Day

Take your Parents to the Playground Day



  If you are a parent than chances are you know how much children love playgrounds! Chances are you know the very best ones in your area too. That might not be the case though as my family has discovered over the years and all our many moves. Often people miss the best spots in their very own town! Now is a great time to ask your kids what playground they would like to take you to or if they want to go exploring for a new one you haven’t been to yet!


Playground time for kids and adults is more important thank you might think.

One study published in the April 2 Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine showed that over 50% of children where not getting any kind of outside play time each day. Worse, girls were getting even less time than boys. There are physical, mental and cognitive development reasons why children needs outside play time and playgrounds are a great way to help kids get the outdoor time they need.



The downward trend in outdoor time for kids isn’t just an American issue either. It is reported that a quarter of British children spend less than 30 minutes a week playing outside. These reports are dismal and changing this is something that parents can help with when we are mindful!

There is a great deal research showing the link between play at the playground and brain development, motor-skills, and social skills. Going to different Playgrounds that promote different types of play are fantastic for a child’s cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development!

On a personal note, I have wonderful memories of My Mother and Step Father taking my siblings and I to playgrounds. It was all the better when they played too. I think we all grain from play time and it helps our best selves shine.

Have Fun!


We hope you all get out and enjoy Take Your Parents to the Playground Day April 8th 2017! (according to checkiday.com)

Do you have a favorite playground? If so, where?


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