Something totally new for that Sneeze Leak! #TryImpressa

Many thanks to Poise for sponsoring today’s story and encouraging me to try the new Poise* Impressa* Bladder Supports!


You sneeze, you pee! – Stress Urinary Incontinence

First, it happens to a lot of us women, actually it happens to a whole heck of a lot of us. Over thirty-five million women experience stress unrinary incontinence, and it can happen for all sorts of reasons like coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, or even exercise. For me, I had no idea this was a “thing” until I had my first baby. I was only 19 and it seemed like the most embarassing thing in the world. Of course then I gave birth and found that modesty wasn’t as big a deal as I thought when pushing my baby out was the priority. Of course the birth experience fades and most of us go back to being embarassed about all kinds of things. Head Up: sneeze pee happens. It doesn’t has to though as it turns out. I discovered a new product in stores now and I get to tell you about it. Poise* Impressa* is designed to help stop leaks before they happen, and now gives women an option that helps them stop worrying about leaks and experience a renewed sense of freedom and confidence to enjoy active, fulfilling lives.

Laughing some times, I pee. I know this happens to other women because that look of horror will suddenly cross their fact and they will excuse themselves rather quickly. I know the bathroom panic too, no clean undies around, these ones are damp, what the heck does one do now? Pad with PT and hang your head in shame mean while telling yourself no one will know. Course you could try Impressa, it gives you the freedom to laugh.

If you are brave enough to try Poise* Impressa* like me then maybe like me you can get back to things like Yoga! With no worry over leaks I can wear my yoga pants and stretch to my hearts content, I move wrong my bladder isn’t going to betray me thanks to the thing no one knows I am wearing. It isn’t a pad, that is the remarkable thing! Keep Reading.


I don’t know how some women brave the gym with this issue, I wasn’t able to before!

I admit, I am guilty of backing out of plans because I just can’t risk a leak. A great example is jumping on the trampoline with my kids. I love it and they love but it was guaranteed I would leak while jumping. That is a long walk of shame into the house and to the bathroom and even when it is a tiny leak, there is always the self conscious worry over if anyone saw me. Add to that the mommy guilt of going in so soon after starting and it just wasn’t worth even trying. To add to the suffering there is a new local business here that is wall to wall indoor jumping of all sorts. It looks so amazing and now I can brave going, and I will!


What would you do differently if you didn’t have this worry? Run? Dance? Rock Climb? I think you should try something new, I am glad I did. #TryImpressa

   Now just what is Poise* Impressa*.

It is NOT a tampon but it does go in and out like one. It has a similar applicator and a string but that is about all it has in common with tampons. Poise* Impressa* can not be used like a tampon and it has nothing to do with your period. Poise* Impressa* goes in and pushes on a part of your body that will keep you from leaking. You can still pee like normal, you just can’t leak like normal! It is comfortable and effective. You purchase the sizing kit first that comes with 2 of each size. You find the one that fits best. The fit has nothing to do with your wise or weight. I am a 2 and I just had a baby about 2 months ago. Not sure that has anything to do with it either though! Just try it and you will understand what I am saying. Designed for the temporary management of Stress Urinary Incontinence, Poise* Impressa* Bladder Supports do not absorb leaks — they help prevent them.


Your sizing kit comes with a $4 coupon toward a 10-count Single-Size Pack of Impressa. #TryImpressa

You can use Impressa for up to 8 hours every day to help stop leaks before they happen.

If you click this link you can get a $2 coupon off your Poise Impressa sizing kit too!

I am so happy to be saying goodbye to Sneeze leak issues!


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