Six Ways YOU Can Help Your Kids Excel at School


Your children’s teachers might be responsible for molding their young minds during school hours, but they’re not the only adults that can influence their educational outcomes. We look at six easy ways you can help your children excel academically.

Create a Study Space

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Image Via Flickr by Randen Pedersen

Children study more effectively when they have an allocated study space. A bedroom is a natural choice, but if they share this space with siblings a table in a quiet corner of the house may be more appropriate. It should include a desk and a comfortable chair or beanbag for reading.

Children learn differently, and their study spaces should reflect this. Kinesthetic learners might prefer to sit on a Pilates ball than a chair, as it’s easier to move about. Logical learners love order so they’ll appreciate an array of organizational aids, such as accordion files and pen holders.

Once the study space is set up, make sure you check in on your child now and again to monitor their progress and ensure they’re taking regular study breaks.

Eat Well for Brain Health

A diet of fast food and sugary treats doesn’t feed the brain or body. Without the nutrients they need, children lack motivation and attention. Obese children also have lower math and reading scores than peers of a healthy weight.

Creating fresh family meals with lean meats, colourful vegetables, and whole grains will give your children the fuel they need to succeed. Involve children in food choices and meal preparation to foster healthy attitudes to nutrition.

Turn Off the Television

Everyone needs to unwind, but there are many activities more enriching than watching the idiot box. Studies show children who watch a lot of television are more likely to have poor attention, aggressive behavior, and less creativity. On the other hand, reading books, writing in a journal, playing board games, and simply chatting about the day can hone a variety of academic skills.

Encourage a Love of Literature

Reading is one of the best things you can do in your TV-free time. It will ensure your children aren’t one of the third of American students who cannot read proficiently when they enter high school. Reading to small children also helps them improve their communication, logical thinking skills, discipline, and concentration.

As your children age, encourage them to take over reading duties. It will improve their vocabulary and communication skills and ignite their imaginations. Be patient when they stumble and coax them to sound unfamiliar words out.

Sign Them Up for Sports

Studies show that children who engage in 20 minutes of vigorous activity at least three times a week have better grades, behavior, and concentration than their more sedentary peers. Team sports like soccer, basketball, and football are great as they also encourage cooperation and fair play. However, children who are reluctant to play group sports might appreciate cycling, swimming, dancing, or a family game of tag.

Enroll Them in an Online Class

Take advantage of the natural motivation of academically gifted students and sign them up for an online class. The programs offered through websites like Get a Real Degree will challenge them now and give them a better future later.

By reinforcing positive attitudes to education at home, you can help your kids achieve their potential in the classroom.



  1. Those are really good tips and I have to especially work on #5- it’s hard to pry my boys away from their computers ‘cos they just hate getting out of the house!

  2. Susan Smith

    Good tips, My kids don’t watch TV but we do have to limit their game time. We make sure we go to the teacher conferences and check their grades and any missed assignments online.

  3. Tara Gauthier

    Great tips, we limit scree time too and stay in contact with our sons teacher which helps us out. Starting over again with our 2nd child entering Kindergarten in Fall, with older one in grade 5 already!

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