Simple Home Made Finger Paint – Part 2

 Playing with Home Made Finger Paint

I am impressed by this finger paint recipe though I was not sure when making it that I would be. It is very sticky and at first I didn’t think that was a good thing but now I know it is a great thing! It needs to stick to little fingers and hands and NOT drip! It makes less mess this way! 


We set an easel outside in the beautiful summer evening air, let the kids get “paint” clothing on, and let them create as they wished. I couldn’t be sure if the food coloring would stain clothing, and the kids got little on their play cloths so I am still not sure. Just be aware it could happen. Let me know if it does!

My 8 year old son, 6 year old daughter, and 4 year old daughter all gathered around to paint together. Even though it had been a long day, and they all wanted to paint their own they settled into painting together nicely. It was so sweet to watch! One of the things I love about parenting, crunchy parenting specially, is that even though doing things by hand can take longer and even though demonstrating peaceful socialization, it is all worth it when you see them so happy and it is all working. Too many parents I think make parenting a chore, or not a priority. I am not talking about split second judgements of Moms on cell phones at the park. We can’t even guess at all those Mother’s have going on. I am talking about the Moms that literally look up from a cell phone, see a problem, and choose to parent. I am talking about the parents who choose over and over not to actually parent their children. Goodness they like to point fingers though at those of use who do, saying we are making a soft society. Those same parents are the ones that never bother to do the research. I think I am venting though…. what does all this have to do with finger painting with the kids?


Husband took a few minutes to help repair the old easel. It has been through so much and a few moves now! They are not very costly and worth getting!

Can you see the duct tape on the top of ours?


So with out chickens and ducks in the background, and the horses across the street the kids enjoyed the evening painting anything and everything that came to mind. As it is all non-toxic we simply washed any messes into the grass.  It was though, not very messy at all!

photo 3 (1)

Pull off master pieces and let dry in the grass.

(Do not leave them outside in the sun too long as they color will bleach out!) 


  1. Joanne Strantz

    I see pictures but no recipe.

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