Are you scared of the Flu? What you should be more scared of


It is a sad fact that near all studies on vaccines are paid for by vaccine makers and all of them seem to be shaped in a way as to give a more positive result. While these vaccines all have long lists of side effects in black and white packaged with the vaccines, most people don’t ever see those papers and most don’t question the safety or effectiveness of vaccines.

Accepting the results of the most common studies on the flu vaccine sadly gives us a grim effectiveness rate of just 60%, and that is what they are willing to admit…. yet we push the flu vaccine with all it’s side effects on the old, the sick, the young who already have weak immune systems that these vaccines attack further. The young, the sick, the old who have been vaccinated die and we don’t hear that part of it. We hear about the deaths of those not vaccinated or the fact that they where vaccinated are left out of reports all together leaving one to assume they where not vaccinated against the flu or what ever illness happens to be in season at the time.

The news now is flooding with sad stories of flu deaths, of the epidemic, and it begs everyone to get vaccinated. But will it really help? Are all those deaths really flu deaths or something far worse?

Here is the Story of Max, told by his family and CNN in short, Max was a healthy 17 year old teenager who went on vacation when he was sick. He had the flu in a house with over 15 other people, most of them vaccinated, and many got the flu anyway right along with him. He though got better for a time, and then tragically got worse. When he got worse and his family could not break his 104.9 fever they took him to the hospital who confirmed the flu virus, he then spent 4 days in the hospital before he died. He didn’t however die of the flu, though his story is being listed as a flu death. No, Max died of something worse, something no one seems to want to talk about.

Max died of a Staphylococcus infection, a bacterial staph infection. He got this infection when his immune system was down and it raged in his body. The hospital couldn’t save him, they couldn’t stop his kidneys from shutting down.

With a rough number of 99,000 U.S. deaths attributed to hospital-borne infections annually and then the common infections we pick up in society that end in deaths, bacteria is a killer and yet the news doesn’t focus on it. It is whispered in the halls of the hospital, it is what no one wants to talk about. Maybe because there isn’t any money to be made in prevention that might be at best 60% effective like the flu vaccine?

The kind of infection Max had is from a bacteria that lives on the skin and in the nose. It is common and not normally harmful, but when it enters deep into the body, it can be very serious and sadly while it once used to respond to antibiotics, it sometimes no longer does. We need to ask ourselves why?

Over 50% of US Meat is said to be contaminated with Staph bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. Could Max have eaten some while he was on vacation? Was his body busy fighting the flu while this bacteria spread? Did any if his relatives go to the Dr or hospital while sick and bring it home to him? I don’t think his family will ever know the source but one thing I hope they know is that the flu didn’t kill their son.

We need to pay close attention to the things that are actually killing people, the things that no one wants to talk about. It is easy to blame the flu and act as if there is a way to avoid this. It isn’t true though. Don’t be a sheeple, do your own research and be informed!

Max’s family didn’t fail him by not getting him the flu shot, they did all they could. I think from watching the news about them that they know this. They certainly are not focused on the flu shot. I hope they come to advocate for a better medical world, we need to solve our issues with the growing bacterial dangers that our medical world have created along with the meat and dairy industry.



  1. Muriel Hykes

    How about I do some free editing on this page for you to make it more credible? Start with staph instead of ‘staff.’ It’s short for staphlyococcus.

    • LittleCrunchy

      Thank you so much for thinking of it’s credibility. I am the worst blogger when it comes to editing for grammar. I really tend to get an idea or point across and hope that readers will go searching for the credible studies themselves and not take my word for anything.

  2. Elizabeth T

    eeek. I don’t consider myself to be scared of the flu although I do for my son who is disabled. hmmmm PLH

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