Rolling around in Joy!

I love my life!

I do not think we say this enough or hear others say it enough. I got to thinking about it today while talking to my father on the phone about my teenage daughter. She is getting to be “that age” he says. He loves her and was used to her being her sweet self, now however she argues and rolls her eyes and is “that age” as he puts it. Another phase of life. One where you can’t sit still, can’t stop living for tomorrow but also want everything right this moment. 
 I remembered when I was that age. I was a mess! I dreamed of someday but fought fiercely to get what I wanted in the moment because it seemed like tomorrow as just too far away and waiting didn’t seem fair. I wanted to grow up, be out on my own, make my own rules. When I did get out on my own I found myself shockingly board and feeling a lack of direction. I was not content and I think I created a lot of my own issues. Did I mention I was a mess? I think most teens are actually. 
 Looking at my life now though I had to take a moment to roll around in the joy of it. I am happy with right now! I have a loving husband, children, passion for the things I do and I am rarely board. I don’t live for tomorrow and am not feeling like there is something missing from my life or something broken. Though I really could do without this Fibromyalgia and really do not like my children being away on vacation at the moment. The first issue though I can not fix and the second issue is less an issue than just me missing my children and what our days normally look like. 
 Mean while I am getting to be creative, making a mess with paint and hair dye and cuddling with my love. Life is good. I am happy. I think back and feel badly for the girl I once was. All those things I felt there where real and there for a reason. There was so much discord in my life. Things are nothing like that now. I am very blessed, lucky, or what ever one wants to call it. I have worked for the life I have in my own way and I am proud of myself I think though a lot of it is luck. 
   I read often that if someone is unhappy with their lives they need to change something. I very much believe this to be true. So if your thinking I am posting to brag then maybe your reflecting on your own life and maybe something might need to be changed? Honestly I am posting because I want to be a reminder to others, things do get better, don’t give up! 
 I am not rich, not even close we are a large military family, we have wants, but out needs are met and have those important things… great relationships. I hope my teenager has a smoother time in her life than I did at that age. If not though, we are still here for her and I will keep reminding her that she can change things when she is not happy and I will always want to help her be happy. I will also though always want her to be smart and safe! Sometimes in such a phase we can’t see past the wants, the emotions… thus parents are here to be the bad guys. I hope I do not have to be, but I will if I must! 
  Goodness I am rambling tonight! Thank you for reading. You must have super powers to be able to put up with my wondering thoughts and rambles to get this far. You rock! 


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