Review: Hyperbiotics – So glad to have this!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I could not have gotten Hyperbiotics PRO-15 at a better time! If you know the importance of probiotics and you looking to try something you have not tried before, I would suggest this!

(Though of course I am not a Doctor so ask yours first – Fill in common sense here!)

One of the most common reasons to see a Doctor befell me, the dreaded UTI. My crunchy parenting readers can well guess that I tried all the natural remedies I could. Cranberry Juice, drinking backing soda water, taking garlic pills, using essential oils! While for a few days it looked like I had won, the infection hit me hard and so into the doctor I went. My UTI wasn’t even all that special. It was the standard e-coli strand that causes 8o% of UTIs. I know, this might sound like TMI but I think it is important to share.

Of course my main stream Doctor didn’t mention anything about probiotics. This new Doctor since the move has me missing my old Doctor who would have reminded me to eat fermented foods and take a probiotic. Not all probiotics are the same. If you have tried some that you don’t think have helped you, keep trying different ones. I am going to stick with this one I think!

We know that our bodies carry many more bacteria cells than we even have body cells. Mark Crislip explains it as a “metaphorical rainforest” When we take an anti-biotic, it kills the good, the bad, and the ugly. Often though this medication will off set the body in a way that lets the bad bacteria over run the good before the good can get back up and running, thus after taking anti-biotics women sometimes get yeast infections! We know though that we can help prevent this with a low sugar/carb diet and probiotics. Another side effect of antibiotics is that diarrhea in almost 40% of people. This is from the bactia die-off. Remember, this is the good bacteria out body needs! (Without bacteria we would die!) It could even get worse! What most of us don’t know is that Clostridium difficile infection is sometimes a consequence of antibiotic therapy. It isn’t just a cause of antibiotic-induced diarrhea, “C. diff” infections are virulent and vicious, spreading easily, especially among hospitalized patients, causing widespread misery and even killing. Probiotics is shown to help prevent this!

Do the research and then pick a Probiotic. I am currently taking hyperbiotics and while I started them 2 days into my antibiotic treatment and had one issue with diarrhea before taking the probiotic I didn’t have one since other incidence after starting! I call this a win! Also so yeast infection or surge of bad bacteria that I can tell!


The first thing I noticed about these micro-pearls is that they are so much smaller than most probiotics I have taken. While there are other small ones, the ones I have tried have not truly been time released like these.

“GET & STAY WELL. 80% of your immune system is in your gut, and when probiotics (the good guys) are abundant in your body, it’s harder for the disease causing bacteria (the bad guys) to settle in. Hyperbiotics PRO-15 restores beneficial bacteria for optimal digestive and immune health, helps control yeast and candida overgrowth and promotes daily relief from allergies, gas, bloating and constipation. Life should be easy.

LOSE WEIGHT. New studies show that gut microflora may improve your metabolism and accelerate fat loss. Let’s get your gut back into equilibrium so your waistline will follow.”

These are vegan, gluten free, and lactose free!


You can get these probiotics on Amazon too!

Stay Healthy! 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

1 Comment

  1. Ken

    Hi glad you found the way actually I’m also very prone to uti’s. I’m using d mannose and didn’t get uti but now I’m trying to conceive and heard d mannose bind the spearms. So i want to give a try to probiotics. Does these probiotics also help me in conceiving too? Ans I’m going to buy hyperbiotics PRO-15 (The prefect probiotics) does it gona work in my case. I only get uti’s after intercourse and do suggest something for prevention.

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