The power of books on children.

   We know that there are down sides to TV time and how it effects how we think and even behave because of how it effects our brains. It is not all down sides in my mind, though most waldorf homes are TV free. Ours is not one of them as we want to bring modern balance into our children’s lives. Movies can have a powerful impact on children, they get ideas for pretend play, see places they never have before, and feel emotions because of a story in front of them. TV however is no substitute for books.

 Today I was reminded of this when my oldest daughter came and asked me for a hug with many tears falling down her face. I embraced her and waited for her to tell me why she was upset, in her own time. She cried for a bit and then told me all about how in a book she is reading an animal died. She knows the book is based on a true story and this made it all the worse for her. This sadness wound it’s way into the bigger topic of death and how all living things die. It was a special, and sad moment, for us both. It was important.

 I think we have all cried while watching movies before. Have you cried when reading a book? I have. The emotions from books I believe last longer, and bring a larger impact because the images in ones mind that we make while reading are personal to us. Everyone is going to see and feel a character in a book differently even with the best of descriptions, because we use our imagination to fill things in. I believe books are building blocks of character in ways TVs just is not.

 On a personal note, my oldest is a child that rather Do, or Make, than sit and read. When she falls deeply into a book, even a sad one, I am glad because I know it is for the best, tears and all.




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