Parenting Fail Confession

 Too often blogging mothers online seem to be perfect, creative, organised, patient, and so well put together. Everything is beautiful and unicorn poop does not stink.

 We all know though that nothing is so very clean and perfect, perfect would be death of course because nothing changes and grows unless it is challenged. So why do mothers not show this very real and needed side online? Simply put, we fear judgement. Women, specially mothers can be the worst to one another, to themselves. Goodness knows I have experienced this myself.

 So I try to be real here because while I adore my life, there are parts that suck and I want others to know they are not alone. I want them to know I am far from perfect. I am so sick of being sick. I really dislike moving all the time and losing friends. My husband going away even for short times has gotten harder the last few years. I don’t like feeling so over whelmed that sometimes all I can do is try to fight the tears in the shower. I have those days too.

 Today is one of those hard days, a parenting fail. Our 4 year old still will not use the potty. She knows how, has before, but she just does not want to. We have tried to be patient and supportive and kindly remind her and such but this weekend it got very hard.

 She peed on our old sofa….   We had just talked about getting another one actually, a smaller one for our smaller space and one that would serve other needs as well. Not to mention being clean.

This got me upset and so I asked DH to handle it as I could not do so peacefully. I wanted to ground her to her room and I knew this would not help anything. Keep in mind we try not to spank or yell and we try to peacefully and logically parent.

 He had her put undies on and told her no more diapers of any kind and explained why and told her that any messes she makes she will have to help an adult clean up. I am not sure this will help. I can say after 24 hours little seems to have changed, still having accidents and still not seeming to care. I could really use some advice because I am about to start time outs about this.

 High light of my evening. 4 year old pooped in her newly changed undies, a piece fell out on to the floor, and the little puppy grabbed it and ran off and then it was family chance the puppy “Ewwww” time and very grumpy parents.

 Thankfully the house is clean and we are keeping her close to us and reminding her every hour to go potty even so we are not missing cleaning anything up. However it just should not be this hard. This past year has been very very hard because of her potty issues. She is my biggest challenge, I want to support her, I do not want to fail her.


  1. Star light

    I am not sure what to say to you except we went through the same thing. Usually I am good at teaching things but apparently not so good at teaching our daughter to go potty. I got very frustrated and wanted to give up. At the time she was really wanting to ride a bus when she started kindergarten so we told her she had to go in potty or she couldn’t go to school or get on a bus. That helped. Also getting a cookie if she went all day and sometimes had to take away toys. She now goes all by her self. So keep at it. It is hard because every kid learns differently. Good luck!

  2. I so know what you mean. I love being a stay at home mother and I am so grateful that my husband works for me to do it but its so challenging at times and sometimes no one even thinks about us just needing some time to breathe.

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