National Coffee Day – A Coffee Not To Miss!

Coffee and Homeschooling - Moms ADHD


FREE COFFEE – Don’t Miss it!

Free coffee in the mornings from 6-8 a.m. follow along on Circle K Southeast
pages to see where they will be giving free cup of Simply Great coffee (12 oz.)
First two weeks of October promotion.


One thing is certain: I am a better person after I have coffee. I know it is a running joke and I never really understood it till recently actually. When I was a teenager for a time going to highschool I would walk by the coffee and donut shop that is on every corner in New England on my way to school. I was a freshman then and having just gotten my first official job at the mall, I was burning both ends of the candle so to speak. Coffee became my friend. I swear it helped and I liked it. Then I moved to what felt like the middle of no place and my walking all over town ended, as did my new roman with coffee. For most of my adult life I would drink a foofy coffee a few times a month. Never something I craved but rather just enjoyed. Of course I have become accustomed to burning both ends to the candle as an adult and thought they would be little to no help for #momlife because it is what it is. I changed my diet though and as I wouldn’t allow myself certain things anymore, one thing I could have…. coffee. Better yet, black coffee. Who drinks black coffee though? Isn’t there something out on the interwebs stating only psychopaths drink back coffee? Well I can tell you that amazing, sexy, BRILLIANT, fantastic husbands do to, like mine! I think being a programmer just demands black coffee, or maybe it was all his military time overseas when one couldn’t be picky and needed the caffeine to stay on top of the mission. What ever the case is, it is how he likes his coffee. So I tried it, thinking for sure only a man of steal convictions and brut grit for life could handle it, certainly not a soft fluffy sweet girl like me. But I do like it! If it is the right kind and brewed the right way. I also like that I am a better person after having coffee. I don’t understand all the mechanics of it, I just know that it is some how true!

I am a Mom in my 30’s and no one explained to me how magical coffee is?

I also recently read an article that 4 cups of coffee a day can aid in longevity. I wonder about this as I had read tea can help as well. My Memere (French Grandmother) loved tea and she lived a fairly peaceful and inactive life (also smoked!) till 96 years old. She was petite and sweet and always had a cup of tea. Did caffeine keep her going I wonder? I like tea too, but it isn’t daily for me. Perhaps it should be? For now though, I am focused on my new best friend, coffee! It is specially helping me homeschool my children better because it magically gives me more patience and with 5 kids here most days (sometimes when very blessed it is 7!) I need patience! We homeschool for a million reasons and one of the biggest is that we love learning together but goodness some days are harder than others, some moments are harder than others. These days, if I can’t get my 9 year old on bored and focused she rebels. When she rebels, it seems to come crashing down on the other kids and their attitudes shift too, and not in my easy direction either. So then I have to muster all my mommy peaceful parenting skills, get creative, and save the day. Coffee helps.

Homeschooling doesn’t just happen at home though and any homeschool parent will know this to be true. Out in the world around here there has been only really one option for coffee, though a national brand it is costly, often has long lines, gets orders wrong too often, and is over all the place I only wish to go for a green tea frap, that is of course not good for my blood sugars to say the least.

In a few days though, October 1st, we can all try something rather special! Simply Great Coffee is coming to Circle K with state-of-the-art coffee machines and sourcing high-quality beans with its own unique roast and blend. I can picture it now, pull in, let my van full of kids politely flood Circle K with their delight to grab their own snacks while Mommy grabs divine coffee to go, just the way I like it, no worries about driving off with order mistakes and no energy to fuss and return to correct it like at the other place we will not mention. Then back in the van to drink in my “better mommy juice” with happy kids. So much cheaper too. It sounds delightful to me.

So while I enjoy my home brew black coffee today, I day dream about Simply Great Coffee stops at Circle K! I will be sure post a review of them soon as I try it!




Coffee beans


  1. I whole day attributed to coffee? What can possibly top that? You totally made my entire day with this post, thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Joely Smith

    I am so having an extra cup today! I homeschooled and back then was challenging and rewarding! I was doing it before it was even near acceptable. Even now I know some homeschooling families are judged. Keep at it! Your kids will be better for it! And yes, lots of coffee!

    • Kimberly Storms

      Thank you so much for the support! I grew up knowing a homeschool family and really liked them. They were judged you are right and very different too. Now a lot of homeschoolers just blend in. Mine aren’t really sheltered, they actually have more freedom than most kids, and while some are shy, they are also geeky shy like their Dad. LOL I can only imagine how hard it had to have been before all the curriculum choices we now have trying to put things together yourself!

  3. I could not survive without coffee, so it’s great to know about a satisfying on the go option during my all too frequent busy mornings. In fact, there’s a Circle K fairly close to my children’s school!

    • Kimberly Storms

      We go there so often as is and it will be fantastic to stop in for coffee! I can imagine good coffee is a must for school drop off lines!

  4. I really cannot believe that I didn’t know about this day sooner! It’s really awesome to be able to celebrate coffee! It has helped me through a lot of mornings especially as a mom!

  5. I wish I liked coffee. I never drank it when I was younger to acquire that taste and now I can’t stand it 🙁

  6. Kathy

    I didn’t even know it was national coffee day. I don’t really drink coffee much, so maybe that’s why.

  7. National Coffee Day is well loved by my family. My favourite is dark roast and I celebrated with a tall mug!

  8. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Circle K when I didn’t get a cup of coffee. And to find out coffee has its own national day is so exciting because I’m the biggest coffee fan there is.

  9. Both the hubs and I are coffeeholics too so we celebrated National Coffee Day with lotsa cups of coffee. 🙂 I hope you enjoyed yours!

  10. Our Family World

    Oh that delicious brown liquid that can be enjoyed hot or cold! I love my coffee and it really helps keep my sanity in the morning rush hours. Give me two cups in the morning and I am ready and in full battle gear to face the day.

  11. Adaleta

    Coffee really is a magical thing, what would the world be without coffee!! It would not be a fun thats for sure!

  12. I think I’m one of the only people who doesn’t drink coffee. I just can’t get pass the taste.

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