My Crunchy Families Dark Secret….

Did you know that the vast majority of crunchy families limit screen time and media?

This crunchy family is not though one of those families. Yes we have been in the past and when things get to be too chaotic or seems like we are not connecting on the level we want to be with one another we go screen free for a while. Over all though, our deep dark secret is that we are just as Geeky as we are Crunchy!


  Both my husband and I have work that revolves around the internet! Our oldest daughter goes to a cyber high school and our younger kids all have online lessons for different subjects as well. We have 2 game systems, 3 tablets, 6 laptops, 2 desktops, cell phones, and I am sure I am forgetting something else that uses WiFi Data.

So this brings me to today’s event. My comcast bill went from $70 a month to almost $160….. Why you ask? They have a Data limit of 300GB and while that might work for some families, it doesn’t for ours. We use almost a terabyte of Data a month. Yes we have cable but no one ever watches it in part because the box is a mess of error codes and who has time to for that when one can just get on a tablet or laptop and watch what ever it is they want from many different sources. However streaming videos takes up the most Data for us, followed by live online classes, but those can not be helped.

So I need to get my kids, specially the youngest to use the cable. I called the company and made sure they couldn’t give us a better Data plan and when they verified I asked about getting a better cable box. I explained the situation and the nice guy let me know he was homeschooled and never had all the stuff my kids do and he was happy to help us however he could. So tomorrow someone is coming to install a DVR box that should record everything the kids want to watch. Lets hope this means they will stream less on their devices!

 Why Limit Them?

Yes I could limit them but why? They are amazing kids and so creative and are not always behind a screen, though screen time is loved!


P.S. Shark Week is Coming! 


  1. We’re not crunchy by any means and our son may watch a little more TV than recommended. But they’re all age-appropriate movies and shows.
    As a WAHM, we both need a little time apart, but together where he plays a game nearby or watches a movie on his portable DVD player.

  2. Sarah Hayes

    my daughters screen time isnt as limited as Id like it to be but oh well. I control what i can and dont worry about the rest. at least we are doing our best and being crunchy in other areas~

    • Kimberly Storms

      Would posts about ways to limit screen time be helpful? My husband has put programs on our kids laptops to help limit their time watching TV on there (if it is not specially educational) and I bet he would write a “how to” on it as well. I put a limit on our kindles as our little one has been watching a lot of shows on it! It is already helping I think!

  3. Eva Mitton-Urban

    Older mom just trying to stay in the loop with all the technological advances – thank God my 10 year old son is a Whiz and keeps me in touch. Ideally screen time is 15 hours a week – that coupled with exercise and what I whole-heartedly believe in enjoying the outdoors – be in raking leaves, super soakers – have to find the family balance ratio.

    Eva Mitton-Urban

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