Kids Summer Fun

Part 2
Check out Part One First!

The day after Part one the children begged to do it again. Neighborhood children came by to add their voices to the begging and without a good reason to say no, out my husband and children went to get more plastic and more tape. This time he went to lowes and found far better plastic and he got the 3.5mm this time. What a difference it made. He also got black duct tape. 
Rather than doing it for them my husband set out the supplies and told the children they could figure it out and so they set to it working together. 
Soon the kids like my husband found the blog trying to roll down the hill and like him, moved it closer to the house. 
This time they added blue food coloring and yes, more glitter. 
A child that had not come out the day before came over and asked about all the glitter in the grass. To my surprise my on looking husband told him that a glittering vampire got dusted. It made a lot of us laugh and then my oldest daughter had the child look closer in the blob. The glitter was very hard to see in the blob and not really worth it in my opinion. Not to mention I really do not know how it will biodegrade or effect the grass! The 3.5mm plastic was fantastic, the black tape, or the tape job the children did on the other hand was not. I was back to cutting blue tape for them to cover up leaks from the seams! 
Our little one liked playing it too! 
After a few hours and the sun again going down it was time to kill the thing and the children loved pulling it apart again. It was harder this time, the plastic stronger so they we watched as they used sticks to make holes and as a group picked it up and turned it this way and that way to get all the water out. Once that was done, into the recycling bin it went. 
Again water ran down the side walk and some children ran with it enjoying the coolness and the love I think most humans have of moving water. 
What we learned. Fine heavy plastic, like 3.5mm, glitter is not really as cool as you would think, find level ground, and get the blue tape! The plastic and Tape the second day cost about $10 and entertained for a few hours about 15 children all told. Have Fun! 

1 Comment

  1. Bobbie - Clumsy Crafter

    I love that you made the kids figure it out themselves. That’s a great point about the effect of glitter on the grass too!

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