Are you keeping your New Year’s Resolutions?



I hope it doesn’t sound like bragging but most years I do better than this when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions. Last year I made it at least half way into the year before things spiraled into old patterns. This year though is proving a lot more difficult though I don’t think my goals are all that challenging. Seems the combination of it all is more than I bargained for.

So the first one I was working on was the 21 Day Sugar Detox. I have not had luck loving the recipes we have tried and most don’t look like things I would like. I am going to order the secondary cook book for it and see if a hard copy of it will spark some interest in the food. I know some great ladies really thriving on it and they help keep me motivated. Maybe me sharing my failings with it help motive them to do at least know they are doing better than I am? I am a good friend like that! It is a service I provide, really it is!

My photos a day are not going all that well. I haven’t learned as much as I would like to have about photography at this point and have not put much into motion either. I have managed cell phone shots and that is not nothing at least right? I at least know what lens I want and that might help with the motivation to learn more!

My plan to keep religion and politics off my wall is going well at least. I fins myself having to let things go and not hit the share button often but it isn’t as hard as it was at first. I am not sure what it will accomplish this year but it has tested my self control and I am at least winning with this!

My oldest daughter had resolved to keep up with school work because while she got straight A’s with her online homeschooling, it took a lot of catch up and it was difficult and stressful. She is doing well so far in 2014 and I am proud of her.

My husband vowed to use his CPAP machine all night, every night and to work out hard and start eating better. Even though he has a chest cold he managed to improve his Army PT test by over a minute and improve a lot with his push ups and sit ups. I am so happy for him! I don’t think he loves the CPAP machine but I do because I want him to be healthy and it should help with the apnea. It isn’t like he is over weight, he just some how developed Apnea while deployed in Iraq and it never went away, just keeps getting worse. CPAP is helping!

I hope your resolutions are going well. If they aren’t then it is time to find some new motivation and support or change plans all together. Don’t give up though, never give up on yourself! We have to teach our children we care enough about ourselves to take care of ourselves so someday they will care about themselves too!


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