Keep Your Dog Comfortable On Their First Family Camping Trip

As a valuable member of your family; you’ll want to include your pet dog in as many activities as possible. There’s nothing quite like a family camping trip; to allow your dog to enjoy the great outdoors with their favorite people. You’ll want to ensure that your pet pooch is as happy and as comfortable on your big adventure as you are; so there a few things you can do for your canine companion. The following are some ideas and inspiration for those who are planning to take the family’s best buddy on their next camping vacation, and how to ensure your pooch has the time of their life.



Keep A Routine


You’ll want your dog to be able to settle into camping as quickly as possible; you’ll also need them to adjust back to normal family life as soon as you arrive home after your trip. Therefore, you’ll need to consider your pet’s routine and incorporate it into your expedition as much as possible. If your dog eats at specific times; make sure they have access to their food at the same time throughout your vacation. You can invest in travel bowls and an inflatable water dish, so that you can provide your companion with what they need wherever you are exploring, or if you’re all enjoying the warmth of the campfire.


Be aware of when your dog may need to sleep, relax, and use some quiet time; give them access to the tent they’re sleeping in at the points of the day they would normally take themselves off for a time out. It’s vital that your dog feels it has a safe area to go and relax in; especially after a busy and energetic day in the wilderness.


Keep Them Comfortable


If you can’t fit your pet’s usual sleeping arrangements in the car; it’s worth investing in a travel dog bed which you can also utilize on future trips with your buddy. Make sure you give them a comfortable area, with their bed, to sleep and relax in; bring their blanket or familiar-smelling items from the family home to help settle your dog too. There will a lot of overwhelming sights, smells, and sounds on your camping trip, and your dog will want to feel as secure as possible (to avoid any midnight barking or howling).


Wash and dry them off before they head into the tent or vehicle after an active day outside; this will help to keep them warm and snug, and your sleeping accommodation won’t smell of wet canine.


Be Vigilant Of Dangers To Dogs


Your pet will be so excited to explore and investigate their new surroundings; make sure you have them on a lease as they get used to things and guide them around the environment yourself. Keep an eye out for any poisonous plants and always ensure that your dog is a safe distance from fires and BBQs. Only let your dog off the lead if you’re confident in your recall abilities and have plenty of treats to reward them with when they return to your side.


Keeping your pooch safe, comfortable, and in control, will ensure that your family camping trip will become a regular thing that you’ll all appreciate and enjoy.



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