Important This Halloween: Teal Pumpkin Project

Important This Halloween: Teal Pumpkin Project



It seems like so many of the families I know deal with food allergies. I am not sure if Crunchy parents are just more on top of things like this or if having a child with a food Allergy many has parents doing more research and going more Crunchy. What ever the case is, the country seems to have about 2% of us dealing with Peanut allergies, and of course there are many other ones as well. 150 people die a year because of food allergies, and many more are hospitalized because of it. There are so many reasons why Halloween can be hard on kids with Allergies so why not make it a little easier?The-Teal-Pumpkin-Project-2

In the past my family has given out glow sticks (a great non-food item) full sized candy bars and organic pops and organic gummy bears. I wanted to make sure to have things covered and offer something to every child that came to the door. It was important to me as again, I know a lot of children with allergies. Thankfully none of my kids have them. Our friends do though. I had no idea kids could be allergic to corn and corn by products! There are more allergies out there than I can guess at so why not have alternatives?

The beauty of Halloween is community and giving and fun. Candy shouldn’t have to be scary for families but the fact is, for some families all the Candy is a nightmare and they would love to see other options that is why the Teal Pumpkin Project is so wonderful and important.

Thank you for considering joining the Teal Pumpkin Project!

It is very easy, get a none candy item to give out and make a teal pumpkin to put near your door. You have no idea how excited people are to see that teal pumpkin and know you care!

How to Make A Teal Pumpkin

There are many creative ways to do it and this is the simple way we did ours.


A Pumpkin

Teal Paint (We used acrilic but spray paint works too!) 

Paint Brush

Letter Stickers

Gem Dot Stickers

Child to craft and have fun with!

Sealant (optional)


A nice fall morning helps and we did this on a large box.


We used a fake pumpkin from the craft store so we can use this Teal Pumpkin for years to come.

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Adding Trick or Treat stickers from the craft store was easy too.

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Storm Baby had the best time putting on the little gem stickers.

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Even with painting this project didn’t take long at all, the longest time was spent waiting for the paint to dry and in the sun that was quick too!

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