If breastfeeding is sexual, than a bottle is a Dildo!

Once again ignorance raises it’s head, this time in a Target store in Houston TX. A mother needed to nurse her hungry baby while shopping and went to find a quiet spot in the store to do so, she found a less populated area and did the natural thing, fed her baby. However she was told by employees that she shouldn’t be doing it, and then tried to embarrass her so she would stop.

This has sparked nation wide plans for Target Nurse Ins. A nurse in is when mothers come together in an area to feed their babies. This does not mean they are flashing people, it means they are making an effort to try and change a sick society that can not seem to understand that breastfeeding is not sexual.

There is a saying, if Breastfeeding is sexual than a bottle is a dildo, and I think it makes the point, though vulgar but really isn’t the act of telling a nursing mother she can’t breastfeed where ever she is a vulgar rude thing? This tells the women you have been looking at her feeding her baby and thinking sexual things about her and her nursing baby. I really do not know what is wrong with people who can see a baby eating normally and think sexual things about it. Is it not kin to some kind of pedophilia to look at a baby and think sexual things? I really think our many in our society have a sickness that makes it so that they can not see something natural as eating in a normal way. Something is wrong. I am thankful to all those mothers who nurse in public, you are brave, and doing what is best for your baby. The shame is on the shoulders of those who either can’t control themselves to not look, or can’t be mature enough and educated enough to know that there is nothing sexual about breastfeeding.

In the end, I could always be wrong but this is just my not so humble opinion.

A source for this blog post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-parenting/post/target-nurse-ins-to-show-that-breast-feeding-is-not-exhibitionism/2011/12/20/gIQAzZZj7O_blog.html?wprss=on-parenting#weighIn




  1. Dawn

    I don’t understand the mindset of people thinking a woman should not do something as natural as feeding her child. I think most women do it discreetly anyway and I can’t understand how that can bother anyone. I breastfed both my children, and did so in public, but luckily, no one ever said anything to me. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your newest follower.

  2. Jamie

    I heard about the nurse-ins but I didn’t realize that the ignorance surrounding breastfeeding was because people think of it as sexual – what?! They have no clue!! Ug!

    I’m a new follower from Hop Along Friday. Feel free to come by my blog sometime!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  3. Adrianne

    I feel like we can’t feed our kids anymore without someone judging. You shouldn’t breastfeed in public, you shouldn’t have your kid on a bottle because breast is best – what are mamas supposed to do? Shut themselves in at home for the first year?

    Following you from Hop Along Friday. Happy Friday, Happy New Year, and come by Happy Hour Projects to say hello! 😀


  4. Kate

    It is nuts that something as natural as nursing has created such havoc. Seriously? Moms should be able to feed their hungry babies…quite honestly I’d much rather see a nursing mother then be subjected to an infant scream…Babies need to eat. Sheesh!

    I’m a new follower from the MeloMomma blog hop. Looking forward to following. Feel free to follow back!


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