I love a good doctor!

What makes a good Doctor? 

First in my eyes a good Doctor has to accept that as a patient I am interested in knowing all I can about my health, conditions, and that I will research and be well informed too. Granted Dr Internet is not always helpful but that will not keep me from trying. 
I love the Dr who wrote in my file “Patient is well informed of condition and actively researches health topics.”  Not all Doctors want us patients to think for ourselves. A lot of them really don’t like it when we question them on certain things. Who can blame them though? I don’t like others telling me how to do my job, raise my children whom I know best. However doctors are not perfect and so I think it is healthy and helpful to be well informed. 
Another thing that makes a good doctor in my mind is one that want to find the cause of an issue and not simply cure a symptom. This can some times be annoying though. If I am asked one more time if I sleep well…  no, no I do not. Yes, if I could fix it I would. No, this is not my fault! -sigh-  LOL you see how it goes! Best of intentions and all that. 
I picked a Doctor that I had heard does things like give prescriptions out for neti pots. I wanted a Doctor not afraid to try alternative medicine rather than just pills and surgery. This means though that my Doctor is vigilant about nutrition as well and most doctors just aren’t. Nutrition is a hard topic for me! More on this in a bit! 

Many Doctors get kick backs for Prescriptions!

Many of us have known about this for a long while now. I have tried to talk about it with some people though and it was a concept they refused to even consider. “Doctors wouldn’t do that!” said one disbelieving family member. At that point I knew the conversation needed to change as they wouldn’t have an open mind about the topic. I don’t much like blind faith, specially not in Doctors who are normally strangers. 
A news story broke and is flooding the interwebs this past week about Doctors and kick backs. You better believe I passed it on to said family member! 
Big Pharma bribing of doctors who willingly accept kickbacks to write prescriptions for high-profit pharmaceuticals.

These revelations are surfacing on the heels of the drug industry’s largest settlement in history: GlaxoSmithKline’s $3 billion fine and guilty plea to committing felony crimes

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036510_doctors_bribes_drug_companies.html#ixzz21BUf1AgO

I love my Doctor who says I need vitamins! 

I have some health issues, one being that I have fibromyalgia and near nothing helps with it, not prescription drugs anyway. The ocean on the other hand does wonders oddly! Other things are going on too that my Doctors are still trying to figure out. In all the blood work so far they noticed my vitamin D is down. They told me to up it and gave me ideas on how, such as 15 minutes a day in the sun and taking a supplement. They didn’t tell me what one to take so I know they where not further profiting on it. I like that as it makes me feel like they have my health in mind. So I had to go hunt down my own vitamin D supplements and I think it helps honestly, helps with my mood too! 

My iron is low, whats new? Prescriptions don’t tend to help me with this either so I have to explore vitamin supplements more and do more research. I love how my midwife had a list of the ones she liked best. She didn’t get kick backs either but having not always been in the best of health she has personal experience to lean back on for such things. I miss her! 

It can be really hard to find a good doctor. This is not to say there are not many but health is such a personal topic and I think a Doctor relationship is important and can’t be generic for it to work well you know? 


  1. ellen_levickis

    Kickbacks are nothing new. This has been going on for decades and decades and decades. Pharmaceutical sales reps make good money and can make huge money, all based on scripts written by doctors — and their staff.

  2. Little Crunchy - Kimberly

    Your right, it is nothing new but most people are not aware of it even and it is not in the mainstream media!

  3. brich2222

    yes finding the right doctor can be a real challenge. i will switch doctors if I don’t like one.

  4. katie

    i am in medical school and i’m glad to have read this post. i consider myself to be a ‘crunchy’ doctor-in-training and am excited to someday have awesome people like you as patients! you probably know this, but integrative medicine is becoming a big thing in the medical world, even something you can officially specialize in. real change doesn’t come until the people demand it, so keep on keepin on!

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