The Holistic Approach To Better Health For Your Kids


All parents want their children to lead lives which are as complete as possible. A big part of that is always going to be the health of those children. For many parents, looking after their child’s health can actually be surprisingly difficult or stressful. However, it is also often true that those parents have not taken the time to learn the basics about what needs to be done. As it happens, the actual process of keeping your children healthy is not all that difficult, provided that you are happy to take a more general, holistic approach. It is only by focusing on the whole that you can keep your child healthy. With that in mind, let’s have a look at a few of the most important aspects of better health for children.




As a parent, you have the ability to more or less control your child’s diet, when they are relatively young that is. This is a power which should not be abused, but rather used to their benefit as much as possible. Diet is a tricky thing to get right, for anyone of any age. However, the most important lesson here is also one of the oldest – balance. As long as the diet you are providing your child is balanced across food groups, you will find that you are probably doing everything you can to keep them healthy in that respect. If there is something they are fussy about you should gently insist, but never actively force. You’ll find that, in time, they will grow to like most foods. Either way, make their diet as varied as you can.




Sleep is a hugely important function of the body, and it can cause all sorts of problems when we don’t get enough of it. Getting your children to sleep enough each night can be quite a challenge, but it is one which you do need to try hard to beat. It is wise to go back to basics on this one. If the bed they are sleeping on of a decent enough quality? Your child should have a Puffy mattress or similar in order to ensure full comfort while trying to sleep. Similarly, you should check that the light levels and temperature levels are adequate in their room. If not, you should find ways to alter them as well as possible. You might also want to limit your child’s screen use. This helps their natural body clock and the production of melanin, but it also has other health and psychological benefits too.




Knowing how much exercise they need is quite tricky. As a rule, you should try to ensure that they are moving around as much as possible partly because it is so important to at a young age anyway. If you feel they are not getting enough exercise, try to make it fun by holding a family sports day or something similar, and making it less about the actual exercise itself. You might find that this is what really works after all, and they will feel healthier for it.


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