Hobby Lobby — Was the ruling really political or religious and where does it end?

I often say that in the end, I could always be wrong, and this is certainly one of those times. I really didn’t believe that the American court system would uphold an businesses right to make medical choices for employees. I though finally there would be an end to companies like Hobby Lobby trying to force their beliefs on those who work for the company. I was very very wrong.
So where does it end?
What if someones religious beliefs:
  • Make them vegan, does that mean their employees can’t use medical products that have animals sources? Like Vaccines! 
  • How about if they are end of worlders and opposed to big oil and toxins and will not pay for any health care they think is toxic?
  • What if they believe ALL medical intervention is wrong?
  • What if they don’t believe in vaccines?
  • What if they believe HIV and Cancer are gods punishment for sin?
  • What if they are Jehovah’s witness and will not pay for blood transfusions?
  • What if they are scientologists and will not pay for mental healthcare.
  • What if they are opposed to all things pig derived like some medications, intravenous fluids, and all things gelatin?
This ruling has opened so many doors and lets not forget that freedom of religion means ALL religions, not just the one you like!
Forget the whole that this legal case has blown in our heath care wall, lets looks at just this issue with birth control:
I know so many people who have had to be on birth control for PCOS, few things help with it the way hormones do. But I guess if they get sick and need it, they could just quit their job or pay out of pocket….. because their beliefs, for their own bodies, don’t matter as much as those for whom they work. -bang head on wall-
So needless to say this family will not ever be shopping at Hobby Lobby again.
At the end of the day though one has to wonder, was this more political than religious? Was this actually all a hit against the ACA? Was this another step in the direction of giving corporations more rights and controls over people and government? 


  1. Robyn

    First of all, Hobby Lobby isn’t opposed to all birth control – just those that they consider to be abortion-inducing, such as the ones that stop a fertilized egg from implanting (morning after pill and IUD’s specifically). If you believe that life begins at conception, then these specific types of birth control are abortion inducing. Hobby Lobby is not making medical choices for their employees or forcing their beliefs on their employees. Hobby Lobby could care less what kind of birth control their employees use. They just don’t want to be forced to pay for something that goes against their moral convictions. Their employees are still free to get these prescriptions from their doctors, or if they can’t afford it – Planned Parenthood.

    I am really kind of tired of people making this out to be a religious thing just because Hobby Lobby is a Christian owned company. Not all people opposed to abortion and abortion-inducing drugs are Christian. I would wager a guess that there are even atheists out there who think abortion is murder.

    • Kimberly Storms

      I really wish people understood how insurance works…. everyone pays in, for everything, no matter if they like it or not. I don’t want to pay for your cancer treatment just because you choose to smoke. I don’t get to make that choice though. Should you have to pay for all your cancer treatment just because others don’t agree with your actions? It is the same thing. I also really wish people could see the potential flood gates this has opened, but I don’t think they will until it is a religion they do not making insurance choices for them. I think you would be hard pressed to find an Atheist who thinks the IUD or morning after pill is abortionist as Atheists tend to understand science and know that a pregnancy does not start till after implantation. I think you would also be hard pressed to find an Atheist bombing an abortion clinic or for that matter an Atheist rally trying to attack women going into clinics.

      While I have never had an abortion and never will and while I do not use birth control I am a Mother with daughters and this yet another attack on women. Have you seen how foolish we look to other countries over this: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jun/30/hobby-lobby-ruling-law-immoral-women-sex

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