Guest Post: Why Family Matters Most

In a society that is constantly on the move, we often feel more and more pressure to work harder, push further, and try to be everything to everyone. But is this constant information overload and strive for perfection actually isolating us from the people who matter most? Is it possible that our obsession for apps and tweets and all things mobile has gone just a little bit too far?


Our family is the most important part of our lives and yet is often the part we decide to push aside in favor of friends, work, and other commitments. As parents, we often get wrapped up in what we think perfection looks like – why other families are better than ours, and why we fall short of that expectation. With the presence of technology, social media, smartphones, and mobile apps, it is often easier to compare ourselves to other people and harder to look for the good in what we have to offer and embrace our shortcomings.


Family – our family, quirks and all – is the single most important influence in our children’s lives. From the moment they are born, children depend on us to protect them and provide for their needs. According to New Kids Center, family is the place where children learn about this world and acquire their value systems, perceptions, instincts and understanding. This is the model they will follow when they interact with society and, as children learn by example, it’s essential that we think about what we are teaching them. We should try our best to never fight in front of them, as shouting in front of our kids, says Dr. Phil, is nothing short of abuse, and will determine the way in which they speak to each other and the people around them. talks about the importance of maintaining a healthy family life as a key to being happy and fulfilled. Family is where your life begins and where unconditional love never ends. No matter what life events come your way, while friendships may wax and wane, your family will always be there to depend on you and for you to depend on them.


If your family is separated by distance, whether it’s interstate or international, this can often be a large obstacle to remaining connected. Where we can’t afford to buy a plane ticket, or don’t have the time to take time-out and physically be with our loved ones, distance can be detrimental to a stronger family unit. This is where we should actually harness the power of modern technology and use it as an advantage to connect the family; rather than the source that drives it apart.


Create blogs, a family website, wedding planning sites, photo albums, and more, to keep in touch with your relatives and ensure the bonds remain strong. Of course there is no substitute for the family sitting down to dinner together, but by recording treasured memories and discussing life events online, you can make sure that what matters most to you gets the love and attention it deserves.



Michael Peggs



Michael Peggs is the founder of Marccx Media, a digital marketing agency specializing in SEO and Content Marketing. Before Marcxx, Peggs worked at Google in business development, forming digital media and advertising partnerships. He is also a blogger and podcaster, hosting the iTunes Top 10 New & Noteworthy podcast You University – The Personal Branding Podcast.

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