Guest Post – What Kind of Mattresses Are Ideal for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a time of great change as far as your body is concerned. You will experience dramatic physical and emotional transformations that will inevitably affect the quality of your sleep. The inability to get a comfortable position and an aching back make every attempt to snooze just utterly frustrating. If left unaddressed, lack of good sleep may eventually compromise the health of both mother and child. 
Lying on an old, sagging mattress can make things take a turn for the worse. To prevent all that from happening, you’re better off replacing it with one that specially caters to your needs.  Each decision must be based on your clear understanding on how a mattress is designed and what your body needs during and after your pregnancy. Research the features and composition of the mattress, and find out which one would best suit you. The ideal mattress for Pregnancy should—
·         Promote Appropriate Weight Distribution
Your bed may have been seamless, but now that you are pregnant, it is a whole lot different story. Your weight is distributed differently making you feel uncomfortable in bed. Like most pregnant women, you may experience pressure, discomfort, and aching on your hips. Your body proportions are bound to change throughout your pregnancy.
You need to make sure that your mattress can re-distribute the weight away from the high pressure areas such as the shoulder and hips. It should be able to adjust to your body’s shape and weight, as well as your sleeping partner’s.
·         Provide Optimum Body Support
Soreness, stiffness and pain on your back are the most common symptoms an expectant mother is likely to experience. Your growing belly’sadditional weight oftentimes causes these symptoms. To obtain the comfort you need, you should get a mattress that can provide better support for your back and ensure proper spinal alignment.
·         Reduce Sleep Disturbance
An uninterrupted sleep is crucial to a healthy pregnancy. You need it for your body to regenerate itself. While slight movements during one’s sleep are normal, too much of themcauses havoc on your sleeping patterns. Such disturbance can worsen major discomfort on your hip and shoulder areas.
As an expectant mother, you must choose a mattress that will reduce tossing and turning – not only for yourself but also for your sleeping partner. Choose a mattress that is designed to conform to your body’s natural contours, and you and your partner will definitely benefit from a peaceful sleep.
When scouting for the right mattress, make sure you spend about a few minutes lying in each one when you are testing them. Take your time and relax on it, then try another. Close your eyes and feel the pressure and any strain on your body, especially on your lumbar curve.
Remember, you are not only looking after your health but your unborn baby’s as well. So you might as well make sure you get one that will help you sleep serenely all throughout the night despite all those annoying little pokes and nudges inside your belly!
Author Bio- Patric Seeley is a Global Brand Manager at -The UK’s #1 supplier therapeutic beds and mattresses. Mattressnextday provides mattresses for hospitals, mattresses recommended by your doctor, chiropractor mattresses and therapeutic mattresses.


  1. michael

    Knowing the ideal mattress and beds for pregnant women is very important for me. My wife is pregnant with our first child and I want her to sleep well at night.

  2. lee busted

    Your post is really good providing good information. I liked it and enjoyed reading it.

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