Greed is what I Can Not Agree With!

Of course political facts are flying tonight and will keep on today as it is election day! Please get out and VOTE! Something that is also going on is a lot of BS and ignoring of real facts. Someone posted this on facebook and I had to respond. Please excuse how full of emotion it is, it is 4 am and I have not slept and starting to doubt I will. My opinion on this holds true. The word WRONG on this image is my own doing, because as clearly posted below, I do believe it is wrong.


#1 No one is trying to.

#2 There is NO logic in this as those who need the help have worked for it by paying taxes, one can work and make $25 and hour and STILL receive and STILL give to help others and themselves if they god forbid should ever need it. Again, no logic in that point. I do Disagree.

#3 Correct, to run the roads we ALL drive on, that ALL businesses use, they must ask us to pay for them, to pay for the fire fighters that save us, to pay for the rescue workers who save us after Hurricanes. It must be paid for just like our house bills, only we are smart enough to pay for them together as a nation and not selfish children only looking our for ourselves.

#4 Yes, you can when again, one is not a selfish child. Did people fail kindergarten? Did they forget how things only work on when one shares what they have? When You DON’t divide and share, you end up with one person at the top, alone, and everything below them crumbles and dies and so to do they. Again, FAILED logic.

#5 Our country has had FAR higher taxes in the past, in some of the BEST times for growth in our country actually so again, I call BS.  This is assuming all people are lazy and stupid. People want to work if given the chance. The average family spends less than 9 months in a LIFETIME on food stamps. People really are just no educated on the topic and like sheeple believe that the poor are who are killing the country. The end of our nation started with GREED and it will end there if we do not stop it. There is no excuse to have such a huge cap in income between the highest in out nation and the rest, that is what is killing us. We need greedy people to find their morals again and start remembering they can’t do any of it alone. I am not asking for Utopia, I am asking for human decency, basic kindergarten respect, and people to stop being so selfish and greedy.  I don’t live off welfair and never have, I am army wife and my husband is happy to serve his country, give his life for his country, and he is happy to pay his taxes for his country to. I wish everyone had such honor.


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