Earn While They Learn: Making The Most Of School



Being a mother is a full-time job for a good few years. While your child is too young for school, they are under your care all the time. A young child will need entertainment, food, and, of course, a lot of cleaning. But, this time will fly by, and they’ll soon be at school. This often leaves a huge chunk in a mother’s weekdays. This time can be used for a host of different activities, from cleaning to socializing. But, this post only cares about the things which will make you some money. It will be going through some of the best ways to make money as a mother at home. So, now, you just have to get to work.


Some people find the steady routine of a normal job to be very satisfying. Having regular work to do can make life a lot more interesting, giving you the chance to see different people every day. You can’t be too picky here, though. Once you’ve been out of work for a long time, it’s much harder to find a good job. Filling out a Lowes application here and a Walmart form here won’t take to long. These are the best sorts of jobs for moms with young kids. They give you the chance to have short hours while the kids are at school, enabling you to be there at the end of the day to pick them up. A lot of people find this work to be very satisfying, and the companies offering them always reward dedication.


Of course, though, working for someone else might not be your cup of tea. Instead, the idea of owning your own business might be more enticing. Arguably, this sort of method is much better than working for another company. It will give you the chance to stay at home, even while you work, so you won’t miss out on anything at all. You won’t have to answer to bosses or managers, as you’ll be the one in charge. Along with this, you’ll also be able to do whatever you want. You won’t be limited to the restrictions set out by the job market. This will be a hard process, so it could be worth getting the help of a consultant along the way.


Building a business or working a job both take a lot of time out of the day. For some moms, this time might be too valuable to lose. But, you still have a chance to start making some money from home. Investment has long been one of the most popular methods for people to generate some passive income. Investing gives you the chance to spend little to no time working, with a very high potential for reward. Using mobile apps, you can have most of your investing work done for you. But, you’ll still have to do some research to make sure you know what to do.


In North America, it’s estimated that at least 70% of mom’s with young kids will do some sort of work. It’s understandable that people would want to supplement their household income using the time they have once their children start going to school. Otherwise, this time would probably be wasted. To help you to decide whether or not this life is for you, you can find some of the pros and cons below.




  • You can make some extra income, giving you family a better foundation for the future. This can be helpful as the kids get older.


  • Using your time for work or business will be much more satisfying than simply waiting for the kids to get home. With some earnings in your pocket, you may be able to get some more independence, too.


  • Your resume won’t grow stagnant due to lack of work, making it much easier to go for long-term roles when the kids leave home.




  • By making yourself busy during the day, you might eat up some time you use for other things. This could make it hard for you to do everything you need to.


  • A lot of people struggle to deal with work alongside young children. You already have a lot of work to do, so it’s a good idea to assess how much you can handle.


  • Having other commitments could make it hard to go to one-time events, though most employers will allow you to take holiday time.


Hopefully, this post will give you a good idea of your income generation options as the kids start going to school. A lot of mom’s don’t consider this sort of option. But, it’s worth exploring all of the money making ideas you can, especially as things are getting more expensive.


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