Drop Your Pants For Underwareness! – Get Free Samples!

Our thanks goes out to Depend for sponsoring today’s discussion!

Before I learned about Depend I had no idea that 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage, and that half of them are under 50! A more shocking number to me was that 12 MILLION are under age 35. To help support them, Depend has created a new social and charitable movement called Drop Your Pants for Underwareness.

I can’t help but think back to the times when because of birthing 6 babies when I would sneeze, I would leak. When I would laugh too hard, I would leak. It wasn’t something most people talked about, except the Moms, in our little shadowy corners of the internet and mom play groups. We would joke, to our own embarrassment and try to share solutions. It would of course happen at the worst of times, and sometimes require a full on clothing change. I remember breast feeding and sneezing once and baby unlatched and breast milk when everywhere and I just sat there and had to laugh. I was a mess, had to shower, change, and move on with the day only to have it happen again! Have a baby they said! It will be fun they said! LOL There are many wonderful things about motherhood but alas, no one tends to mention the potential bladder leakage issue till it is too late! I am one of the lucky ones, eventually my body healed and it wasn’t an issue any more, but again, I got lucky! 12 Million Americans my age and younger are not so lucky and they need support!

You never can tell if your going to be someone with this issue, or know someone else who is. The great news is that you can go to the Depend site and get free samples to keep on hand, just in case, or to try out if you already have this issue!

 Join the Movement! Drop Your Pants!

Say your one of the lucky ones and don’t have this issue and never have and maybe even never will, you still still join the movement and support those that do! It is fun and for charity after all!

Depend will be donate $1, up to $3 million, over the next three years to charities that advance the research, education and awareness of bladder leakage for: 

-Every pant drop, photo and video shared Using #Underwareness and #DropYourPants
-Every personal video made about what Underwareness means to you that is uploaded to YouTube and tagged #Underwareness and #DropYourPants

Here is my contribution:


  What to wear for bladder leakage:


Depend provides a variety of discreet products that help people regain their freedom and get their lives back, including:

Depend Real Fit for Men and Silhouette for Women briefs: Look, fit and feel like real underwear and feature a cloth-like fabric for a sleek, ultra-smooth fit.

Depend Underwear with Fit-Flex protection: Features more Lycra stands for a smooth and comfortable close-to-the-body fit.

Claim your free samples today by visiting the Depend landing page and clicking on the “Get a Sample” button located at the top right-hand side of the screen. Then, select which sample you would like to receive and wait for them to arrive.


Check out their site to find Tips for bladder leakage, Bladder leakage protection and Incontinence protection! Don’t forget to order your  Depend free samples!


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