Dear Martha Stewart, Another Fail.


Dear Ms. Stewart,

As a blogger you might imagine I was a bit confused when in your interview on Bloomberg you said:

 “Who are those bloggers?  They’re not trained editors at Vogue Magazine.  Writing recipes that aren’t tested, that aren’t necessarily very good. Or are copies of everything that really good editors have created and done.  Bloggers create a popularity but they are not the experts.” 

I am confused because over the years you have used some ideas from bloggers, some credited and some not. You have went so far as to recruit bloggers to advertise for you. It was thought that you respected what bloggers offer but maybe they are just a stepping stone for you? I am not sure I trust your moral integrity at this point honestly. You want bloggers help, you use them, then you speak badly of them. They are popular enough for you to use but not experts enough for you to care about?

I have to say, I am not impressed. It is sometimes said “I am real, and no Martha Stewart!” from real wives and mothers busy raising children and running real homes. Maybe “real” though in this case should mean true and honest and loyal. Three things I don’t believe you to be, if you ever were.

In closing, I will no longer be supporting your brand. I am no expert but I am a mother, a wife, a blogger, and like so many others, I am enough. I don’t need to stand on the backs of others, put them down, to raise myself up. At the very least you owe bloggers who have helped you a very large apology. I think it is too late though, your true colors are showing again and they are not pretty in my opinion.

Not a Fan,

Just Another Blogger


  1. Well said
    and let’s not forget all those people, including ms stewart, had to start somewhere
    I hate the “power” we’ve given this woman

  2. Martha Stewart has been ripping off other people’s ideas since she was a child. Or so her unauthorized biography says. No, do not give her the benefit of the doubt. She has always been in it for the profit and the glory.

    My favorite MS Fail, lily of the valley on a wedding cake. Lily of the valley is poisonous to humans.

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