Day 20

We all have our moments when something isn’t going our way, we all deal differently. Storm baby however is fairly predictable, either a huge tantrum or retreating into herself and sucking on her fingers. Both are painful.

I think back to when my oldest was this age, we spanked her a hand full of times before we knew there was another way. It hasn’t happened since however, though the why is a long story. The short of it is that I felt it was wrong and stopped and my husband saw the light as well and what a brighter path we have walked since. Yes, we still have a 3 year old with temper tantrums, but we all deal, and not with the anger that used to come from us.

My husband has been amazing with peaceful parenting but we still both hung strong to the idea that we needed to teach the children about the harsh world outside our door, we have to hard on them. My husband changed all that for us just now. He told me that the world will always be hard, that it will teach it’s lessons no matter what we do and that our home MUST be the soft place they can come home to in order to recover, recharge, be safe. We must teach them how to make their own homes and spaces soft and recharging and safe. If we keep trying to mirror the outside world in our own home then we are not teaching them how to recover from it and they will grow up to see only the hardness in the world and in their homes.

It all goes deeper than this, but in short, he changed how I was thinking and I adore him for that.


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