Day 2 – Learning on the Road


Today was a long drive south. A 400 mile trip took the better part of 9 hours in part because of New York traffic. With 4 kids in the van, packed full, plus a dog, one can expect a full day and for things to not go so smoothly specially when going 5 miles an hour. In fact the baby was most vocal about the issue, shouting over and over for us to go. I heard things that sounded much like “green light GO GO GO” from her, though there was no lights to be seen beyond red break lights.

Take advantage of slow traffic!

One of the great things about homeschooling is that we are always on the look out for learning opportunities and New York traffic certain provides some talking time. As it often does, talk turned to trash and why no one seems to pick it up. My 7 year old has for years called New York the “trash state” as he tried to memories the states we go through and up and down the east coast. He loved Geography, all the kids seem to, to some extend. We talked about the different kinds of bridges, about Canadian geese going south and stopping in NYC, and of busy squirrels not caring that cars where just feet away as they gather food for winter.


The kids counted cars, played i-spy, and sang songs. They also played on their 3DS machines and the iPad. My 13 year old spent some time on her cell phone looking at many things including the weather all around the world, this really seemed to interest her. I think like me, she was really in hopes she would see a report of snow down south soon. Sadly, nothing so far. We went from a beautiful snow wonderland to not even a little snow or even ice, though it is only 22 degrees out. If it is going to be this cold, it could at least snow right?

One thing I learned, or rather remembered, I never want to live in a big city. I don’t deal well with traffic even though I am not impatient, my anxiety goes up, specially seeing other drivers who are angry. I would think that living in that city would make them more accepting of slow traffic? I guess not.

Vacation was restful and fun, home now though and tomorrow we get back to some kind of normal.


  1. You make home schooling sound so wonderful, I just don’t think my kids would participate as well as others. I want to try a schedule with them over summer vacation and see how well they follow.

  2. Debbie

    I too hate massive traffic! 🙁 Every time I visit my Mom I pass through Chicago! Traffic nightmare…I am sure NYC is worse. This past trip with my daughter and her children we played the ABC Game….on billboards we look for words that start with the letters of the alphabet – a game my parents played with me….I played with my daughter…and now 3 generations are playing together. Road Trips make great memories.

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