Counting blessings this October




With my Fathers Cancer news a few weeks ago my head has been spinning honestly and seeing clearly has been hard. The shock and sorrow comes in waves but so to does the realization that none of us are promised tomorrow so we must make the most of Today. October is a beautiful time for counting blessing.


All our children are healthy and happy and learning so so much. Storm Baby is almost 8 now and still so in tune with nature and all things small and fluffy. Smilie baby is learning so much, her favorite phrase these days is “I love learning!” followed by “can I have your phone” because of the learning apps on it. Yes, she has her own laptop at 5 years old, and 2 kindles she could be learning on but she likes my phone. LOL I should just accept that as a Mom nothing is entirely mine anymore, not even my cell phone!


Mr. Handsome has been busy learning too, he is currently flying through Math and takes every chance he gets for hands on learning. He has really been enjoying friendships with other boys and he went to a birthday party without the rest of his family last week for the first time. Time away from his sisters as a homeschooler isn’t common actually and was a great thing I think. He did mention though if it starts to happen often that he would like his own cell phone to keep in touch. Good consideration but goodness he is growing so fast. I am so thankful for his common sense and kind nature.


Hope Pixie is now 16 and rocking her online cyber school again this year. She is so helpful with little Aurora and is joyful about being the biggest sister. She is working on her learners permit and getting out into the world and thinking about volunteering some place to get some work experience soon. Her spirit is fantastic and strong and her heart in the right place. She inspires me.

Surrogate Baby Emma is a teen now too, she is so talented and impossible not to love. Surrobaby Gracie is such a sweetie and fierce too. She has been helping my heart these days with the pending loss of my Father as she knows it too well. Both girls take it on themselves to try and help others when ever they can, just like their fathers and I am so proud of them. I am so proud of them all.

Aurora Baby is almost 12 weeks now and is growing big fast! She keeps us on our toes and makes sure we count our blessings when it comes to what ever hours of sleep we are blessed with in a given night. I can’t say we wouldn’t enjoy more but we don’t expect it at her age. I love that my husband is such a great parent, even at night. He helps so much and together we manage to make it through, even when we have to take turns every 15 minutes trying to make baby happy.

The best part of October will be seeing my Dad at the end of this month. I can’t wait!

Count your blessing, tomorrow is never promised.


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