Buying a Gift for the Most Difficult Person in Your Life

Buying a Gift for the Most Difficult Person in Your Life

gifts for someone impossible to shop for


We all have that one person in our life; the one who no matter how hard you try, you can never seem to take by surprise with a great gift that they truly love. Sure, they’ll make all the right noises and show their appreciation as best they can, but you know deep down that you’ve missed the mark and either gifted them something they already have or that they have very little interest in.


With Christmas fast approaching, you might be starting to panic about making the perfect purchase for this person – well panic no more. Here are some top tips to help you buy the perfect gift for the most difficult person in your life:


Gift an Event or Experience


A very simple, but very effective way to ensure that you hit the mark with your gifts to that difficult person, is to make the gift and event or experience. Instead of spending endless hours going from store to store trying to find a gift that will light up his or her face, sit down and think about the things he/she really loves. Is she a fan of Beyonce? Does he love golf? Work out what it is that really makes you difficult person’s heart sing and buy them an event or experience to match. Gig tickets, Formula 1 racing days, football tickets – they are all sure to hit the right note. It’s so simple, but such a very effective way to get your gifting right!


Give Them Something Unique


Another way of impressing your difficult giftee is by giving them something that is totally unique to them and which appeals to their taste. For example, if you have a loved one who has served in the military, a custom coin from MilitaryCoins is sure to impress, or if you have an animal lover in the family, adopting a rescue dog, penguin or llama from the likes of the WWF, is sure to make them smile. If you can customize the gift so that it is unique and personal, well so much the better.


Give The Gift of Time

What to gift her?


If that one person who you find it so difficult to buy for is someone very close who loves spending time in your company and you theirs, you could make their day this Christmas morning by presenting them with a pledge to spend a certain number of hours with them doing fun things you’ll both enjoy. Time and presence are much more valuable than presents, and this is one gesture that will almost certainly be appreciated by the right people.


Think About Their Needs


Often when we get gifts wrong, it’s because we focus on giving the recipient something that we think it would be nice to receive or something which screams ‘Christmas gift’ without really thinking about the person and what they need. So, if you don’t want to get it wrong, it may be a better strategy to think about the things they really need. Perhaps your dad is struggling to maintain his lawn as beautifully as he once did and was so proud of; why not buy him a ride on mower? Or maybe your sister is desperately saving to go back to nursing school; why not give her a check? They might not be traditional gifts items, but if they are needed, then they are sure to be very well received on the day.


Hopefully, these simple ideas will help you pull off a great gifting experience for Mr or Mrs difficult this Holiday season!



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